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28 April 2022 | Other events
Esta reunión preparatoria para la Conferencia del Agua de Naciones Unidas 2023 tiene como objetivos identificar los principales cursos de acción para acelerar la implementación del ODS 6 en la región en base a una transición hídrica sostenible e inclusiva, e intercambiar conocimientos y...
29 April 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
More than 3000 people from different social, economic, and environmental sectors in the region registered for the virtual event co-organized by ECLAC, UNESCO IHP, CONAGUA and the Federal Government of Germany, to exchange information on how to speed up the completion of SDG 6.
18 January 2021 | Other events
ECLAC participated in the high-level event “Water and Beyond” where the role of water in development was emphasized.
24 November 2020 | Other events
ECLAC participated in the webinar entitled: “Water, gender and climate in Latin America and the Caribbean: better data for better adaptation strategies” organized by UNESCO WWAP to highlight the challenges of water management from a gender perspective
7 October 2020 | Other events
Irrigation analysis in rural territories of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Southern Mexico under the Nexus approach.
31 July 2020 | Other events
On July 31, 2020, the virtual forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: a lever to achieve sustainable development" was held, which was part of a series of interviews called "Talk to Inspire" that was organized by the organization Mexico Actua and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). The event...
14 January 2020 | Other events
Third Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin American and Caribbean to discuss the main regional challenges of Integrated Watershed Management from a nexus perspective.
19 November 2019 | Other events
Second Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin American and Caribbean countries on experiences and challenges of photovoltaic solar irrigation systems
5 September 2019 | Other events
First Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the challenges of multipurpose projects in the region