The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST) of Haiti, has been engaged for nearly a decade in a continuous effort to establish the strategic framework of a national social policy aimed at responding to Haiti’s major challenges in this area. Indeed, it should be remembered that the indicators of access to basic social services in education and health, provision of social care and attention to early childhood, the elderly or the disabled, and so many others, reflect again and again not only a structural deficit in these issues but also alarming and persistent results in poverty, inequality and social exclusion for large sections of the Haitian population, in a context of meager economic growth. In this respect, the adoption of the National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) in 2020 is a major political and institutional advance, because this instrument was intended first and foremost to define the strategic framework for necessary interventions to remedy it, based on a participatory approach and the broad consensus of many national actors, but also of the collaboration of a set of international partners, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) of the United Nations and the Embassy of Switzerland in Haiti.
Over the past two years, as a result of the decree that promulgates the PNPPS, the MAST has been involved, through the Social Protection Sector Board (TSPS) and the Drafting Sub-Committee (SCR), in an exercise aimed at the implementation of the PNPPS, first through the prioritization of its multiple mechanisms, and today in the process of developing Action Plans (at the national and departmental levels). It is at this crossroads that we are today, where the operationalization and institutionalization of the prioritized mechanisms, as well as their feasibility and financing, are first-order issues.
Following the development by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor of a National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion in Haiti, this seminar proposes to present the main axes of this Policy to various national and international actors, and above all, to analyze the challenges of its implementation in the context of exchanges between Haitian officials, program operators implemented by international partners in Haiti and experts and officials from countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. The seminar should constitute a tool, in particular, for the members of the SCR for the finalization of the prioritization of the mechanisms for the national action plan. In addition, it is expected that these exchanges between MAST and the invited countries will lead to further collaboration between the countries.
MODALITY: the seminar will take place over two effective days, in a hybrid format, around thematic panels addressing subjects such as the challenges of the implementation of the PNPPS, both at the level of the general institutional framework, and specific management and policy instruments such as cash transfers and social registries. The six working groups of the action plans already identified by the SCR will also be addressed: 1. Exemption from payment for essential health services; 2. Cash transfers for the fight against poverty; 3. Pre-school and primary education; 4. Employment, training and labour inclusion; 5. Social assistance and 6. Institutional reforms. The focus will be on cash transfers, social assistance, and social information systems and registration of destinataries.
The exchanges during these various panels aim to present and discuss, considering regional experiences (Latin America and the Caribbean), the challenges in terms of the operationalization and institutionalization prioritized mechanisms in the Action Plans of the PNPPS, both in terms of its feasibility and its financing.
(*) Participants:
(a) MAST officials and officials from various agencies in Haiti
(b) Regional guests: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.
(c) ECLAC and WFP officials.
21 Jun 2022
Welcome and register of participants
08:30 to 09:00 -
09:00 to 09:30Mr. Marc-André Prost, Deputy Director, Haiti Office, World Food Programme.
Mr. Alberto Arenas de Mesa, Head of the Social Development Division, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mr. Fabrizio Poretti, Embassy of Switzerland in Haiti.
Mr. Pierre Ricot Odney, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour.
PANEL I: Social protection and promotion policy, the challenges of its implementation and institutionalization
09:30 to 11:00Chair: Frantz Souverain (MAST)
Haitian experience:
9:30-9:45 Adler Elciné and Nathalie Lamaute-Brisson (MAST): The national policy for social protection and promotion (PNPPS); fundaments and action plans.
Regional experience:
9:45-9:55 Carlos Maldonado (ECLAC): Institutional challenges of social protection and protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9:55–10:10 Cecilia Sena (Director, Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay): Social Protection during Covid 19, the investment challenge in specific populations, experience in Uruguay.
10:10–10:25 Francisca Moreno (Director, MDSF of Chile): The monitoring and evaluation of social programs: The experience of Chile.
- Panel 1 - Adler Elciné y Nathalie Lamautte-BrissonPanel 1 - Francisca Moreno ChilePanel 1- Carlos Maldonado
Panel II: Information systems / registers and targeting of recipients
11:15 to 13:15Chair: Christian Bouchereau (SIMAST)
Haitian experience:
11:15–11:30 Donald Deslandes Rozéfort and Jonès Pyram (MAST): The Information System of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (SIMAST).
Regional experience:
11:30–11:45 Tamara Van Hemelryck (Assessor to the Ministry of Social Development of Chile): Recent experiences of extension of social information systems in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
11:45-12:00 Susana Doñé (Director of Planning, Sistema Único de Beneficiarios (SIUBEN) Dominican Republic): Social information system as a guarantee for the implementation of adaptive social protection policies for the most vulnerable households.
12:0012:15 Irene Hernandez (Sistema Nacional de Información y Registro Único de Beneficiarios del Estado, Costa Rica): SINIRUBE: Advances and challenges for the creation of a single registry of socioeconomic information in Costa Rica.
12:15–12:30 Laura Pabón (Director of Social Development, DNP Colombia): The system of identification of potential recipients (SISBEN).
12:30-13:15 Synthesis, questions and answers.
- Panel 2 - Susana DonePanel 2 - Tamara Van HemerlryckPanel 2- Irene HernandezPanel 2- Laura PabonPanel 2 - Jones Pyram y Donald Deslandes Rozéfort
21-30 Jun 2022
Panel III: Cash Transfers
14:00 to 16:00Chair : Sherly Jean-Charles (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Haitian experience:
14:00–14:15 Joseph Alexis, Serge Raphael (MAST): Cash Transfers of the project Adaptative Social Protection for an accrued resilience (PSARA)
Regional experience:
14:15–14:30 Simone Cecchini (ECLAC): The impact of cash transfers on poverty and employment in Latin America and the Caribbean.
14:30–14:45 Van Elder Espinal (Cabinet for the coordination of social policy of the Dominican Republic): Cash transfers and shock response programs.
14:45–15:00 Colette Roberts Risden (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Social Security): The PATH programme in Jamaica.
15:00–15:15 María del Rocío García (Secretary of Wellbeing, Mexico): Pension for the Welfare of Older Adults.
15:15-16:00 Synthesis, questions and answers.
- Panel 3 - Joseph Alexis y Serge Raphael - PSARAPanel 3 - Simone CecchiniPanel 3 - Colette Roberts RisdenPanel 3 - Van Elder Espinal
22 Jun 2022
Panel IV: Employment, training and labour inclusion
09:00 to 11:00Chair: Constantin Cadet (MAST)
Haitian experience:
9:00–9:15 Guerline Jean-Louis and André Ibréus (MAST): Labour Direction in Haiti.
9:15–9:30 Marie Flore Monval Bourgoin (Economic and Social Assistance Fund): Temporal social assistance and skill competences for Young People.
9:30–9:45 Monica del Sarto (Caritas): Certification system and labor access.
Regional experience:
9:45–10:00 Carolina Miranda (Fundación Capital, Colombia): Graduation programs for the ultra-poor in Latin America..
10:00–10:15 Carlos Figueroa (Foncodes): The “Haku Winay” program in Peru.
10:15–10:30 Dayra Vergara Vargas(Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Mexico): The “Jóvenes Construyendo Futuro” program in Mexico.
10:30–10:40 Varinia Tromben (Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC): Employment and Labour Inclusion Policies in Latin America.
10:40–11:00 Questions and answers.
- Panel 4 - Carlos FigueroaPanel 4 - Varinia TrombenPanel 4- Guerline Jean Louis y André IbreusPanel 4- Marie Flore Monval BourgoinPanel 4- Monica del Sarto
Panel V: Social assistance and early childhood
11:15 to 13:30Chair: Marie Michèle Alexandre (Ministry of Planification and External Cooperation)
Haitian experience:
11:15-11:30 Roosevelt Jean-Louis and Peterson Cadet (Institute of Social Welfare and Research): Social Protection from the IBERS.
11:30-11:45 Nathalie Lamaute-Brisson (WFP): Care in the National policy for social protection and promotion (PNPPS).
Regional experience:
11:45-12:00 Claudia Robles (Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC): Universal social protection systems and early childhood: challenges in the face of the impacts of the pandemic.
12:00-12:15 Mabel Herrera (Technical coordinator of the Cuna Más program, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru): The “Cuna Más” Program of Peru.
12:15-12:30 Colette Roberts Risden (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Social Security): The model of social workers in Jamaica.
12:30-12:45 Dr. Joanne Smith (Lecturer, Caribbean Institute for Health Research, The University of the West Indies): Reach Up: An Early Childhood Parenting Programme.
12:45-13:30 Synthesis, questions and answers.
- Panel 5 - Claudia Robles DDS CEPALPanel 5 - Mabel Herrera-Cuna Mas PerúPanel 5 - Nathalie Lamaute Brisson Soin sociauxPanel 5 - Colette Roberts RisdenPanel 5 - Peterson CadetPanel 5 - Joanne Smith
Round table and closing of the seminar: the challenges of implementing the PNPPS
14:30 to 16:0014:30–14:45 Randolph Gilbert (ECLAC): Summary of the seminar.
14:45–15:15 Comments to the summary of the seminar.
15:15–16:00 Minister Mr. Pierre Ricot Odney: Closing remarks and next steps.