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Ecuador: Promoting financial inclusion via development banks’ innovation policies

25 October 2016|Event

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) organized a technical workshop with the aim to promote financial inclusion through development bank financial innovation policies. The workshop is part of ECLAC’s "Financial Inclusion of SMEs and Development Bank Financial Innovation Policies" project whose aim is to analyze the state of financial inclusion in a number of Latin American countries . The final objective of the project is to identify and promote development of a spectrum of financial instruments which allow development banks to foster financial inclusion of SMEs, given that these businesses play a central role in the productive fabric and job creation.

The seminar consists of four sessions: (i) Objectives and central hypotheses of the project “Promoting financial inclusion through development banks' innovative policies”; (ii) Financial inclusion of SMEs in Ecuador:  stylized facts, measurements and challenges, development bank programs and instruments for promoting financial inclusion; (iii) The role of development banks in promoting financial inclusion: market failures versus the creation of markets; and (iv) Promoting  financial inclusion through innovations in finance: new instruments.

9:15 – 9:30

Registration and Opening

Mr. Esteban Pérez Caldentey (CEPAL)

Ms. Cornelia Kaldewei (CEPAL)

9:30  – 10:00

Session 1: Objectives and central hypotheses of the project promoting financial inclusion through development bank innovation policies

Presentation of the project on financial inclusion of SMEs and development banks


Esteban Pérez Caldentey

10:00 – 11:00

Session 2: Financial inclusion of SMEs in Ecuador: stylized facts, measurement and challenges, development bank programs and instruments for promoting financial inclusion

Presentation and discussion of the document: “Financial Inclusion of SMEs in Ecuador (in Spanish)”


Ms. Sylvia Neira Burneo (Banco General Rumiñahui)


Cornelia Kaldewei

11:00  – 11:20


11:20  – 12:00

Session 2 (continuation): Financial inclusion of SMEs in Ecuador: stylized facts, measurement and challenges

Commentaries and discussion of the document: “Financial Inclusion of SMEs in Ecuador (in Spanish)


Jorge Santiago Campos Portilla (BanEcuador)

María Verónica Gavilanes Vejar (Banco Pichincha)


Cornelia Kaldewei


Open discussion

12:00 – 13:00

Session 3: The role of development banks in promoting financial inclusion: market failures versus the creation of markets​


Jeannette Sánchez (ex Ministra Coordinadora de la Política Económica)

Wilson Araque (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar)

Ramón Lecuona (Universidad Anáhuac)


Esteban Pérez Caldentey

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:00


Session 4: Promoting financial inclusion through innovations in finance: new instruments​

Experiences and examples of instruments for financial inclusion in Ecuador


Paula Florencia Auerbach (Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones)

Jorge Moncayo Lara (Banco Central del Ecuador)

Alejandro Ribadeneira (Banco General Rumiñahui)

Luis Bonilla  (Banco Procredit)


Sylvia Neira

15:00 – 15:20     


15:20 – 16:30

Session 4 (continuation): Promoting financial inclusion through innovations in finance: new instruments​

Experiences and examples of instruments for financial inclusion


Edwin Andrade (Corporación Financiera Nacional)

Geovanni Cardoso Ruíz (Corporación Finanzas Populares y Solidarias)

Christian Cisneros (Cámara de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Pichincha)

Nancy Medina (Universidad Central del Ecuador)


Ramón Lecuona

16:30 – 17:00


Practical information

Workshop held in Spanish