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Showing 1 to 20 of 45 results in 3 pages.
8 de dezembro de 2015 | Comunicado de imprensa
El organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas presentó esta propuesta en el marco de la conferencia internacional contra el calentamiento global que se celebra en París.
30 novembro 2015 | Announcement
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean has convened a Caribbean conference on Ageing, elder abuse and the rights of older persons.
24 de novembro de 2015 | News
A Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) está traçando o caminho a ser seguido para que os países do Caribe facilitem o acesso dos pesquisadores aos microdados censitários.
29 outubro 2015 | News
Peru is among the countries of Latin America that is most vulnerable to natural disasters. As the regional hub for the provision of strengthened leadership in disaster assessment and post disaster needs analysis across Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC subregional office for the Caribbean has conducted a series of training sessions in disaster assessment in different regions of Peru.
ECLAC visit to Tranquility
12 outubro 2015 | News
For the first time ever, students from Trinidad have received first-hand information on disaster assessment from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional office in Port of Spain.
ODPM DaLa training
9 outubro 2015 | News
In an effort to increase technical cooperation with its host country, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean recently co-organized with the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) a multi-sectoral disaster assessment training session for agencies in Trinidad and Tobago.
Foto aérea de una isla del Caribe
25 de agosto de 2015 | News
Delegados conocerán también en Santa Lucía sobre el proceso de negociación para la creación de un acuerdo regional sobre el Principio 10.
21 agosto 2015 | News
ECLAC Caribbean explores the Big Data phenomenon, drawing on the knowledge of experts around the region to address its implications and uses.
31 julho 2015 | News
Policy makers and children in Costa Rica will soon be better prepared to prevent and deal with disasters, as ECLAC Caribbean brings its disaster assessment package to the country.
29 de julho de 2015 | Comunicado de imprensa
Dinamizar o investimento é fundamental para retomar o crescimento e a produtividade na Região, revela a CEPAL em um novo Relatório.
13 de julho de 2015 | Comunicado de imprensa
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, dará a conocer este planteamiento en la Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo que se celebra en Addis Abeba.
2 de julho de 2015 | Comunicado de imprensa
El Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas participó en un evento de alto nivel sobre desarrollo sostenible en el Caribe.
2 julho 2015 | Discurso
By Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General.
1 julho 2015 | Infográfico
The Caribbean region is vulnerable to many types of weather related disaster as well as earthquakes. Disaster in the region have inceased over time. They are recurrent and happen unexpectedly. Damage and Loss Assessment is the basis for Post Disaster Needs Assessment.
1 julho 2015 | Infográfico
Statistics provide an interpretation and summary of data.
29 junho 2015 | Infográfico
Digital currency and mobile money solutions are components of new industry classifications referred to as Financial Technology (FinTech) and Digital Financial Services (DFS).
29 junho 2015 | Infográfico
Internet connectivity brings opportunities for new knowledge based industries in the Caribbean region.
Attendees of the 17th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC
26 junho 2015 | News
Ministers and high-level Government representatives from the Caribbean gathered in Trinidad and Tobago to consider progress made in implementation of development strategies for the region on occasion of the 17th meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC).
26 junho 2015 | Discurso
Opening Statement by Alicia Barcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
Picture of the meeting
24 junho 2015 | News
Symposium is being held in Trinidad and Tobago organized by the UN Commission, with the support of the Caribbean Development Bank.