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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
septiembre 2022 |
Publication cover
diciembre 2020 |
  • Ocampo, José Antonio

En este ensayo se compara la crisis del COVI9-19 en América Latina con dos crisis de larga duración (la Gran Depresión y la crisis de la deuda) y...

Publication cover
agosto 2020 |
  • Ocampo, José Antonio

La crisis económica en curso será recordada, no solo por ser la peor desde la Gran Depresión, sino también por la limitada cooperación financiera...

Publication cover
diciembre 2008 |
  • Jiménez, Luis Felipe

One of the drivers of economic growth is innovation, which raisesproductivity by creating new production methods, technologies, productsand firms...

Publication cover
febrero 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

Latin American markets had another good year in 2006. The liquidity environment remained supportive, credit quality continued to improve, and...

Publication cover
diciembre 2006 |
  • Aldunate, Eduardo
  • Martner Fanta, Ricardo

The inadequacies of social protection in Latin America and the Caribbean reveal a clear need for more active fiscal policies in this area....

Publication cover
agosto 2003 |
  • Sojo, Ana

Insurance policies are required, along with other measures, to deal with the magnitude and depth of social and economic risk in Latin America. The...

Publication cover
diciembre 2002 |
  • Velloso, Helvia
  • Bustillo, Inés

This article analyses the way in which Latin American bond spreads were affected by the changes in United States interest rates in the second half...

Publication cover
noviembre 2000 |

During the 1990s the market for Latin America's debt grew in volume, types of instruments traded and number of investors...

Publication cover
agosto 1996 |
  • Siri, Gabriel

This article deals with various aspects relating to social investment funds, especially their financing, the sustainability of the resulting...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Cominetti, Rossella

The external and internal imbalances that appeared in the early 1980s, together with the adjustment and stabilization policies applied throughout...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Rufián Lizana, Dolores María

The financing of a State's sub-national levels of government, in federal and other systems alike, is an instrument of decentralization; first...