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Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
septiembre 2014 |
  • Sojo, Ana
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social
German Agency for Technical Cooperation

En este estudio se realiza un diagnóstico del sistema contributivo de pensiones en Chile y se formulan algunas recomendaciones de reforma, desde...

Publication cover
abril 2014 |
  • Navarro, Lucas
  • Selman, Gabriela

Despite its importance, the literature on wage differentials between public- and private-sectors employees in Latin America is sparse. This...

Publication cover
abril 2014 |
  • Falabella G., Gonzalo
  • Gatica N., Francisco

This article deals with the interaction between supply chains and territory, identifying two types of development: the "enclave" type of...

Publication cover
Enero 2014 |

Business services have been one of the fatest growing export areas in emerging economies over the past decade. The spread of information and...