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Network for Cooperation in Integrated Water Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 21
febrero 2005|Boletines » Carta Circular de Recursos Hídricos
Network for Cooperation in Integrated Water Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 21
Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Renewability and sustainability of hydroenergy: the need for an environmental and social reassessment.-- Regional Irrigation Boards: an interesting experience in Uruguay.-- News of the Network: Inter-American Water Day (IAWD) ; South American Technical Advisory Committee (SAMTAC): "Promotion of private investment in minor irrigation and drainage works: the case of Chile" ; Prevention and reduction of the danger posed by natural disasters.-- Meetings: Meeting on plans for integrated water resources management in Latin America ; First Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Regulatory Accounting.-- Internet and WWW news