Webinar Smart Road and Rail Solutions for transport connectivity



Joint activity under UNDA project: Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics

Event information



Tipo de evento:

Meetings and technical symposiums


Con invitación

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored major limitations of freight transport operations in Asia and the Pacific. Road-centric freight systems, shortages in operational connectivity, lack of harmonisation of technical standards, coupled with the established practices of freight consolidation, lean inventories and just-in-time delivery, adversely affected the resilience of international supply chains, leading to shortages of goods and imbalances in freight delivery.

At the same time, the pandemic has underscored the critical link between the transport and logistics industry and the pandemic response, as illustrated by the efforts to keep borders open to trade throughout the crisis. The pandemic situation has also increased the momentum for further facilitation and digitalization. Many countries have begun accepting electronic documents during the pandemic; piloted new automated and digital technologies; promoted contactless processing and delivery; and many other measures.  

ESCAP’s recent overview of current practices confirms that policy and technical solutions for seamless and smart connectivity along the Asian Highway Network and the Trans-Asian Railway Network already exist, and many have already been implemented by other regions or sub-sets of Asia-Pacific countries. A wide range of proven solutions can make freight transport less reliant on physical contact (contactless) and less exposed to interruptions and costs of documentary and other checks (seamless). Implementing such solutions requires adequate understanding of existing and emerging global standards and best practices applicable to smart transport solutions, while adapting them to regional and local needs and capabilities.

In this context and under the framework of the UNDA project on “Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics: Contactless, seamless and collaborative UN solutions”, ESCAP is organizing a webinar on Smart Road and Rail Solutions for transport connectivity in the COVID-19 context. The webinar will start with a broad discussion among the UN and other agencies, working at a global level and complemented with the exchange of information and experience among the UN regional commissions. It will then offer a more focused regional discussion on promoting Smart Connectivity along the Asian Highway Network and the Trans-Asian Railway Network.  

DAY 1: 30 November 2020



Opening Session

  • Welcome remarks, ESCAP secretariat


Session 1: Smart freight transport connectivity: a global perspective

  • Dr. Francisco FURTADO, Modeller/Analyst, International Transport Forum
  • Mr. Walter Nissler, Chief of the Vehicle Regulations and Transport Innovations Section, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • Ms. Sophie Punte, Director, Smart Freight Centre



Session 2: Regional collaborative solutions for smart freight connectivity

  • Ms. Azhar Jaimurzina Ducrest, Chief, Transport Connectivity and Logistics Section, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr. Soteri Gatera, Chief of Industrialization and Infrastructure Section, Economic Commission for Africa
  • Dr. Yarob Badr, Regional Advisor on Transport and Logistics, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
  • Mr. Gabriel Perez, Economic Affairs Officer, Infrastructure Services Unit, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


16.00- 16.15



Session 3: Smart Connectivity along the Asian Highway Network

  • Mr. Edouard Chong, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr. Jens Hügel, Senior Adviser, International Road Transport Union (IRU)


DAY 2: 1 December 2020



Session 3: Smart Connectivity along the Asian Highway Network (continued)

  • Mr. Francesco Dionori, Chief of Transport Networks & Logistics Section, Economic Commission for Europe  
  • Ms. Aleksandra Suladze, Consultant at Transport and Logistics Development Policy Department, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia
  • Ms. Gao Xiaoyun, CTTIC, LOGINK, China
  • Mr. Beny Irzanto, ASEAN Secretariat



Session 4: Smart rail solutions for the Trans-Asian Railway Network

  • Smart railway solutions in the times of pandemic;

Mr. Sandeep Raj Jain, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

  • Key trends driving smart railway solutions;

Ms. Ekaterina Kozyreva, President, IEC International

  • Smart railway solutions to support railways in addressing challenges in post pandemic world;

Mr. Goran Andreev, Consultant, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

  • Mr. Beny Irzanto, Implementation Framework for Seamless Operation on SingaporeKunming Railway, ASEAN Secretariat


16:15 – 16:30


16:30- 17:45

Session 5: Deepening digitalization of railways in ECCAP region

  • Deepening digitalization of railways in ESCAP region possible issues and way forward;

Mr. Sandeep Raj Jain, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

  • Experience of European Union in promoting digitalization in railways among its countries lessons learned;

Mr. Harald Reisinger, Chief Information Officer, Rail Net Europe

  • Digitalization of freight in Indian Railways;

Mr. Amit Kumar Jain, General Manager, Centre for Railway Information System (CRIS)



Conclusions and recommendation


Información práctica:

The session will take place virtually, using Kudo, from 14.00 to 17.00 Bangkok time

(04;00 AM - 07:00 Chilean time)

The webinar will be held in English and Russian.

Contenido relacionado:

Institución organizadora:

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCAP

  • http://www.unescap.org/
  • (66-2) 288-1234

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