CONTENTS I.Northern Sinai Agricultural Development Programme (NSADP)II. Dams Could Delay European Union Entry for Poland III.The Prespa Basin: Transboundary cooperation to maintain and enhance wetland functions and valuesIV. World Bank Seminar on GroundwaterV. Arab-Israeli Water IssuesVI. Regional Cooperation on Flood Control in AsiaVII. Transboundary Issues: The case of the Ilisu dam project in TurkeyThestatements and opinions reported in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or official positions of the United Nations, and are to be exclusively attributed to authors, organizations and media quoted or summarized in the Newsletter. The editor encourages contributions of news items for an exchange of information with interested readers. All correspondence should be addressed to: Director, Natural Resources and Infrastructure DivisionEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)Casilla de Correo 179-D, Santiago, ChileFax: (56-2) 208-02 52E-mail: with copy to