Benchmarking the plan of action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (version 3.0)

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Benchmarking the plan of action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (version 3.0)

  • Publicación autor corporativo (Autor institucional): NU. CEPAL
  • Descripción física: 123 páginas.
  • Editorial: ECLAC
  • Símbolo ONU (Firma): LC/W.15
  • Fecha: Marzo 1, 2005

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This document is the third version of an ongoing exercise to benchmark the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The first version was delivered to the delegates of PrepCom I of WSIS in Hammamet, Tunisia, June 2004. A second version to the delegates of the Latin American and Caribbean - European Union Forum on the Information Society, in Rio de Janeiro, November 2004. Graphs and tables are indicative and aim at demonstrating the current situation of Latin America and the Caribbean countries in relation to achieving the actions proposed during the 2003 Geneva phase of WSIS. Conslusions are drawn from the presented evidence in every field, which results in the particular challenges the region faces in the transition toward a Latin American and Caribbean Information Society.