Nota informativa
22 de Junio del 2020
Palabras de Bienvenida
François DAVENNE, Director General, UIC
Guilherme QUINTELLA, Chairman Latin America Region, UIC
José VILLAFAÑE, General Secretary, ALAF
Marc GUIGON, Head of the Covid-19 Taskforce and Coordinator of Latin America Region, UIC
PANEL 1: Specificities of European and Asian Networks: What challenges for what decisions?
Measures taken by some Rail Networks
Yasunari NAKAJIMA, Director & Masayoshi TOYOHARA, Deputy manager, Paris Office, JR-East, Japan
Theodoros, TOLIAS, Passenger Director, Trainose, Greece
PANEL 2: Focus on the case of Latin American Networks: Facing “Covid 19”: Management system development
El rol del transporte ferroviario para mejorar la conectividad de América Latina en un escenario post COVID
Gabriel PÉREZ SALAS, Oficial de Asuntos Económicos, Unidad de Infraestructura, CEPAL - Naciones Unidas
Jean PEJÓ, General Secretary ALAF, Brasil
Joubert FLORES, President, ANP Trilhos, Brasil
Eduardo PELLEGRINA FILHO, Vice-president, Rumo Logística, Brasil
Agustín SPECIAL, Deputy Secretary of Transport, Argentina
Ricardo LISSALDE, President, ADIFSE, Argentina
Marcos CHICOTE, General Manager, BRT (Operación privada Subte y FC Metropolitano), Argentina
Miguel Ángel ZAMAYOA, General Manager, Guatemala
Lauro RAMIREZ LÓPEZ, President, FEPASA, Paraguay
Preguntas y sesión de clausura