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Reunión subregional del Caribe sobre los avances en la implementación del Programa de Acción de la CIPD a 15 años de su adopción

20 de agosto de 2009|Evento

La reunión se enmarca en las actividades conmemorativas de los 15 años de la adopción del Programa de Acción de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Población y el Desarrollo de el Cairo, y fue una instancia de análisis de los avances subregionales en su implementación. Contó con la participación de representantes de la CEPAL, el UNFPA, organismos gubernamentales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil, quienes abordaron temas vinculados con la población y el desarrollo, la salud y los derechos reproductivos, el género y los grupos vulnerables en el Caribe. Las conclusiones a las que se arribe en esta reunión se presentaron en el seminario regional Avances y acciones claves para la implementación del Programa de Acción de El Cairo a 15 años de su aprobación, que se realizará en Santiago de Chile el 7 y 8 de octubre del 2009.

20 Ago 2009

  • Registration of Participant

    08:00 a 09:00

20 Oct 2009

  • Opening Ceremony

    09:00 a 09:45
    • Mr. Neil Pierre, Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
      ƒ Ms. Marcela Suazo, Director, UNFPA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
      Her Excellency Dr. Jacqui Quinn Leandro, Minister of Education, Gender, Sports and Youth, Antigua and Barbuda
  • Item 1 – cont’d: Opening address by:

    09:45 a 10:15
    • pening address by: • His Excellency Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Minister of Health, Guyana, and Immediate Past President of the World Health Assembly
      Dr. Jacqueline Sharpe, President, IPPF
  • Item 1 – cont’d: Cultural Exposé Antigua and Barbuda

    10:15 a 10:45
  • Item 2: Review of the Implementation of the Cairo Programme of Action in the Caribbean (1994 - 2009): Achievements and Constraints:

    11:00 a 11:30
    • Taeke Gjaltema and Dr. Petrina Lee Poy, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
  • Item 3: Country briefs: National representatives (max. 10 minutes each)

    11:30 a 16:15
    • Antigua and Barbuda
      Country Report to the Subregional Expert Meeting on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the ICPD
      Statement Review of the Implementation of the Cairo Programme of Action (1994-2009). Achievements and Constraints
      Report: Review of the Implementation of the Cairo Programme of Action (1994-2009). Achievements and Constraints
      ICPD+15 Caribbean Sub-Regional Meeting. Belize Country Report
      Domínica. Justina Charles, Focal Point for Family
      Presentation: Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD in Dominica Successes, Challenges
      Domínica. Justina Charles, Focal Point for Family
      Report: Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD in Dominica Successes, Challenge
      Caribean Subregional meeting to assess the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD 15 years after implementation Statement by Grenada Delegation - Speaking Notes
      Jamaica. Mr. Easton Williams
      Achievements and Constraints: Fifteen years after Cairo 199-2009
      Netherland Antilles
      Netherlands Antilles ICPD+15
      Saint Kitts and Nevis
      Briefing for UNFPA Meeting in Antigua
      Saint Lucia
      Presentation: Saint Lucia ICPD
      Saint Lucia
      St. Vincent and the Grenadines
      St. Vincente and the Grenadines Report
      ICPD+15 Report Suriname
      Trinidad and Tobago. Presented By Mrs.Wendy-Ann Wattie
      Republic Of Trinidad and Tobago Country Brief.
  • Item 3 – cont’d: Country briefs: Discussion and comments

    16:15 a 17:00

21 Oct 2009

  • Item 5: Panel II: Reproductive Health, Rights and Gender in the Caribbean

    11:00 a 11:45
  • Item 6: Panel III: Vulnerable Groups in the Caribbean

    14:00 a 15:45
    • Her Excellency Omayra Leeflang, Minister of Education, Netherlands Antilles
      Dr. Jennifer Rouse, Ministry of Social Development, Trinidad & Tobago
      ƒ Elderly
      Senator Kerry-Ann Ifill, Barbados
      ƒ Disability
      Ms. Yolanda Simon, Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, CRN+
      ƒ HIV/AIDS
      Dr. Frank Eelens, Statistics Aruba/Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
      ƒ Immigrants
  • Item 7: Discussion of meeting's outcome

    16:00 a 16:30
  • Item 8: Closing Statements

    16:30 a 17:00
    • Antigua and Barbuda

21 Nov 2009

  • Item 4: Panel I: Population and Development in the Caribbean

    09:00 a 10:45