Regional Workshop on Carbon Finance for Latin America and the Caribbean



The workshop will bring together designated national authorities (DNAs), national focal points (NFPs) and mitigation experts from the region, as well as CDM project developers and representatives of environmental non-governmental organizations and international organizations.

Event information



Tipo de evento:

Meetings and technical symposiums


Con invitación

The workshop will focus on strategic and policy issues regarding how carbon markets and mechanisms can be used to close the pre-2020 gap as well as to raise the post 2020 ambition in the new climate regime.  It will also address issues under negotiation in the UNFCCC, the Green Climate Fund, results-based financing and other climate finance initiatives, in addition to other hot topics on the international agenda this year.

Institución organizadora:

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • (+49-228) 815-1000

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