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Seminars and Conferences

A series bringing together documents relating to seminars and conferences organized by ECLAC. Prepared by: Office of the Executive Secretary and ECLAC divisions. ISSN: 1680-9017.

Report of the international meeting of experts on the theme “Measuring gender-based violence against women and girls: lessons learned and challenges”

Report of the international meeting of experts on the theme “Measuring gender-based violence against women and girls: lessons learned and challenges”

Within the framework of the XXIV International Meeting on Gender Statistics held in September 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico, the international meeting of experts was convened to analyse strategies for measuring the prevalence and incidence of gender-based violence against women and girls and...

Descripción física: 35 pages. Editorial: ECLAC Fecha: August 2024 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2024/73