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Project Documents 2010-Present

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The trap of high inequality and low social mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean:  An obstacle for inclusive and sustainable social development

The trap of high inequality and low social mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean: An obstacle for inclusive and sustainable social development

Extreme inequality, which characterizes Latin America and the Caribbean across multiple dimensions, constitutes a trap that hinders progress towards sustainable development. It is unacceptable from a rights and social justice perspective, counterproductive for economic growth, and corrosive for social cohesion and for the stability of social compacts. It also perpetuates two other structural development traps in the region: the inability to grow in the long term and low institutional and governance capacity.
From an economics perspective, inequality is inefficient for a number of reasons. Access and quality gaps in areas ranging from health and education to basic services and housing hamper both skill-building and labour market and digital inclusion in an increasingly digitalized world, which curtails economic productivity and individual income.

NU. CEPAL November 2024
24 pages.

Números anteriores

October 2024
The cost of the double burden of malnutrition: main social and economic impacts in eight Latin American countries
August 2024
Addressing inequality in early childhood: the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on new generations of children in Latin America and the Caribbean
December 2023
Inequalities, labour inclusion and the future of work in Latin America
July 2023
Educational expansion and class mobility trends in Brazil
February 2023
Emergency social protection against the impacts of the pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence and lessons learned for universal, comprehensive, sustainable and resilient social protection systems
January 2023
Inclusion and urban mobility with a human-rights and gender-equality approach: a policy instrument analysis and identification framework for the development of sustainable urban mobility systems in Latin America
December 2022
The impacts of the pandemic on the health and well-being of children in Latin America and the Caribbean and its effect on child-sensitive social protection systems
October 2022
Estimates of the cost of essential health service packages and the graduation and school canteen programmes proposed in the National Policy on Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) of Haiti
August 2022
Toolkit. Institutional frameworks for social policies for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean
July 2022
Trajectory and policies for inclusion in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the pandemic: Two decades of progress and challenges
