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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Pizarro Gariazzo, Rodrigo

Debido a su naturaleza global y al alcance de su impacto, el cambio climático plantea una serie de desafíos complejos e interconectados para la...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Barleta, Eliana
  • Sánchez, Ricardo

In 2020 the entire world was overwhelmed by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which changed the daily lives of people around the globe...

Publication cover
May 2022 |

Considering that it is imperative to provide reliable, comprehensive and timely data that serve as a basis to determine the priorities of national...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
ONU Mujeres

This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and UN Women, has been conceived to serve as a...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Morales, Beatriz
  • Van Hemelryck, Tamara

La juventud es una etapa clave del ciclo de vida, en la que se definen aspectos que marcarán la vida adulta, entre ellos la inclusión en el...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
  • Meza, Laura E.
  • Rodríguez, Adrián G.

Nature-based solutions (NBS) stand at the forefront of efforts to address the multiple dimensions of global environmental change. This document...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Marinho, María Luisa
  • Robles, Claudia
  • Tromben, Varinia

What holds societies together? What identifies people and motivates them to live together voluntarily without the need for constant external...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Marquet, Pablo A.
  • Gaxiola, Aurora
  • Ávila-Thieme, M. Isidora
  • Pica-Téllez, Andrés
  • Vicuña, Sebastián
  • Alaniz, Alberto
  • Etcheberry, Gabriel
  • González, Diego
  • Jara, Valentina
  • Menares, Luna

Las tres crisis del sistema internacional se expresan en tres brechas desde la perspectiva de la periferia latinoamericana y caribeña: la brecha...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Cipoletta Tomassian, Georgina
  • Abdo, Tarek

The world’s financing needs multiplied rapidly from 2020 onward owing to the effects of a systemic crisis considered to have been the worst global...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Valenzuela, Juan Pablo
  • Yáñez, Natalia

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the data show an extraordinary increase in access to higher education programmes. However, many population...

Publication cover
May 2022 |

In 2021, Latin America and the Caribbean saw an increase in the prices of the main export commodities, mainly as a result of the recovery in...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Hernández Rosario, Anna Cristina

This document, prepared in the framework of the United Nations Development Account twelfth tranche residual balance (DAT12A) project “Building...