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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 81 to 100 of 256 results in 13 pages.
Publication cover
October 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

The global trade performance in 2019 was the worst since the international financial crisis. This edition of International Trade Outlook for Latin...

Publication cover
October 2019 |
  • Planzer, Rosemarie
  • Pérez, Gabriel

This FAL Bulletin analyses air transport infrastructure in the region and examines the characteristics of the main projects to expand airport...

Publication cover
October 2019 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel
  • Sánchez, Ricardo

This FAL Bulletin analyses the role of logistics in production, distribution and trade in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Lavalleja, Martín
  • Scalese, Federico

En este trabajo se estudia el impacto en la recaudación de la política tributaria de estímulo a la sustitución del parque automotor por vehículos...

Publication cover
April 2019 |
  • Campos Canales, Rolando
  • Pérez, Gabriel

This document provides background on energy consumption in the road transport sector, and on the advantages and disadvantages of new propulsion...

Publication cover
February 2019 |
  • Chauvet, Pablo
  • Baptiste, Albertone

This issue analyses data on investments in Latin American road infrastructure between 2007 and 2015, examines the subsector’s evolution and...

Publication cover
February 2019 |
  • Sánchez, Ricardo
  • Barleta, Eliana

Recent years have seen a relative slowdown in container movements, which cannot be fully explained by fluctuations in the world economy. The...

Publication cover
February 2018 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Rigo, Philippe

In 2016, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (...

Publication cover
December 2018 |
  • Martínez Salgado, Hilda

En 2016, el sector del transporte originó el 36% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en América Latina y el Caribe. El transporte por...

Publication cover
November 2018 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar

This FAL Bulletin presents a theoretical and policy perspective on the issue of transport governance. The document offers a summary of the key...

Publication cover
November 2018 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel

This issue of the FAL Bulletin systematizes the main outcomes and findings of the 10 national policy workshops on logistics and mobility conducted...

Publication cover
November 2018 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Mouftier, Lara

This issue of the FAL Bulletin describes the main findings and proposals to emerge from the binational Haiti-Dominican Republic dialogue supported...

Publication cover
November 2018 |
  • Nazif, José Ignacio
  • Pérez, Gabriel

La República Dominicana tiene una de las tasas de mortalidad por siniestros de tránsito más altas, no sólo en América Latina y el Caribe sino...

Publication cover
January 2018 |
  • Cornejo Díaz, René

En este documento se aborda una descripción de la industria minera global y del Perú en las dos primeras secciones. Seguidamente, el documento...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Ramírez Jaramillo, Juan Carlos
  • de Aguas, Johan

La competitividad de Colombia se apalanca en sus múltiples diferencias y aportes regionales; los departamentos se han venido desarrollando con...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Muñoz, Cristina
  • Pérez, Gabriel

El vínculo entre el sector transporte y el género es central para el logro de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible, debido a que, actualmente,...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel

En el último tiempo, múltiples gobiernos de América Latina han elaborado planes nacionales de logística para mejorar su competitividad...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Cordero, Martha

Este documento es de carácter bianual, y su finalidad es mostrar el estado actual de la integración centroamericana en el ámbito económico y...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Bowen, Cristian

This issue examines how the formalization of the public transport sector fuels increased demand for professional drivers to meet service needs,...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Hernández, Diego

Public transport is key to ensuring people’s ability to access the opportunities offered by the city. Unlike other types of transport such as...