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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 24 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The economies of the subregion were hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those dependent on tourism. As a result, the Caribbean has...

Publication cover
June 2022 |

El Boletín de Comercio Exterior del MERCOSUR analiza la dinámica comercial del Mercado Común del Sur, combinando las perspectivas coyuntural y...

Publication cover
April 2022

Esta investigación examina la situación del sector cooperativo, su institucionalidad y las políticas públicas en la materia en ocho países de la...

Publication cover
March 2022 |

For the fifth time, the countries of the region are convening in the framework of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on...

Publication cover
December 2021

La necesidad de contar con políticas públicas para la infraestructura está en el centro de la agenda del desarrollo de América Latina. Dentro de...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Declining economic growth and competitiveness, the impact of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, and the challenge of climate change and...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Durán Lima, José Elías
  • Banacloche, Santacruz

En este manual técnico se sistematizan las bases teóricas del modelo de insumo-producto aplicado a análisis económicos de países y grupos de...

Publication cover
September 2021 |

The Comprehensive Development Plan aims to create a sustainable development space and generate opportunities to improve the quality of life of the...

Publication cover
September 2021 |

The Comprehensive Development Plan aims to create a sustainable development space and generate opportunities to improve the quality of life of the...

Publication cover
September 2021 |

 The Comprehensive Development Plan aims to create a sustainable development space and generate opportunities to improve the quality of life of...

Publication cover
September 2021 |
Publication cover
April 2021 |

In 2021, Latin America and the Caribbean faces an economic and social context that will remain complex and uncertain. The coronavirus disease (...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
Publication cover
April 2018 |

This document focuses on how institutions can underpin the foundations of a long period of sustained and inclusive growth and increased well-being...