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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 39 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Lardé, Jeannette

This document outlines the situation and challenges of infrastructure investments in Latin America and the Caribbean, taking the global...

Publication cover
December 2021

Economic growth in the United States slowed to 2.1% year-on-year in the third quarter
of 2021, from 6.7% year-on-year in the second quarter...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Declining economic growth and competitiveness, the impact of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, and the challenge of climate change and...

Publication cover
March 2022 |

Science, innovation, knowledge and digital technologies have played a fundamental role in the growth potential, social inclusion and environmental...

Publication cover
December 2021 |

COVID-19 has brought to the fore the need to address the problem of financing for development in middle-income countries, which has been...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Cicowiez, Martín
  • Ordóñez, Romina

This study assesses the economy-wide impacts of private investment in the hotel industry in Jamaica. Specifically, the paper develops a tourism-...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • D'Amato, Stefan Wilson
  • Carvalho, Luciano Dias de

This paper proposes to develop a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model to analyse the importance of the relationship between real exchange...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Regazzini, Leonardo Coviello
  • Bacha, Carlos José Caetano
  • de Souza Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento

Tax exemption has been used systematically in Brazil to stimulate the economy. In 2009, in an attempt to stem the economic slowdown, the Brazilian...

Publication cover
December 2021
Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Afonso, Damares Lopes
  • Bastos, Suzana Quinet de Andrade
  • Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro

This article seeks to contribute to the debate on China-Latin America relations. It considers whether the trade relations that exist between China...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Vargas, Miguel
  • Garrido, Nicolás

The aim of this study is to cast light on the relationship between the spatial concentration of high-skilled workers and the productivity of...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Moreira, Tito Belchior S.
  • Mendonça, Mario Jorge
  • Sachsida, Adolfo

Based on the hypothesis that the rules of monetary and fiscal policy in Brazil may have been subject to different regimes, the present study...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Brixner, Cristián
  • Lerena, Octavio
  • Minervini, Mariana
  • Yoguel, Gabriel

This article analyses the link between universities and business from a neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary theory perspective. It aims to identify the...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Campos Pereira Bruhn, Nádia
  • Calegario, Cristina Lelis Leal
  • Borges, Michelle da Silva

The current debate on industrial policies is no longer focused on whether such policies are necessary, but on how best to implement them and on...

Publication cover
November 2021 |

Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean is a twice-yearly report prepared jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and...

Publication cover
November 2021 |
Publication cover
October 2021 |

The 2021 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, its seventy-third issue, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the...

Publication cover
October 2021 |

The United States rebounded rapidly and robustly from the COVID-19 pandemic recession in the first half of 2021, as federal stimulus spending...

Publication cover
September 2021 |

The Comprehensive Development Plan aims to create a sustainable development space and generate opportunities to improve the quality of life of the...