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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
December 1995 |

In the 1995 edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America, the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean...

Publication cover
December 1995 |

Bajo el título Variables, extrapedagógicas y equidad en la educación media: hogar, subjetividad y cultura escolar" este número de la serie...

Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Burkhalter, Larry A.

Governments of the ECLAC region have promulgated labour regimes which support port workers' desire for stable wages and job security, isolate...

Publication cover
December 1995
Publication cover
August 1995 |

En virtud de las orientaciones y el mandato impartidos por los gobiernos miembros, la Secretaría de la Comisión Económica para...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Ramos, Joseph

El artículo presenta el tema en el contexto del debate teórico y empírico, iniciado por Kuznets, respecto a la posibilidad de lograr un...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Müller, Geraldo

La competitividad se ha convertido en una de las principales "normas" del inestable juego internacional. La apertura comercial, los...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Ramos, Joseph

This article presents the issue in the context of the theoretical and empirical debate, started by Kuznets, on the possibility of achieving growth...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Müller, Geraldo

Competitiveness has become one of the main "standards" governing the ever-changing interplay of interests at the international level....

Publication cover
August 1995
Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Lahera, Eugenio
  • Ottone, Ernesto
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

Existe un creciente consenso en que si bien una base macroeconómica sólida y equilibrada es una condición del desarrollo, no basta para asegurarlo...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Lahera, Eugenio
  • Ottone, Ernesto
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

There is growing consensus that although a solid, balanced macroeconomic base is a necessary condition for development, it is not of itself enough...

Publication cover
January 1995 |

Este documento corresponde al Capítulo I del libro Educación, eficiencia y equidad editado por Ernesto Cohen, funcionario de la División de...