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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 75 results in 4 pages.
Publication cover
May 2023 |
  • Sánchez, Silvana
  • Sánchez, Ricardo

The miniaturization of commodities can have an impact on international merchandise trade by affecting supply chains and transportation, which must...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Silva Barros, Pedro
  • Wexell Severo, Luciano
  • Christoffer Carneiro, Helitton

In recent years, the external sector of the state of Mato Grosso has shown impressive growth rates. The state’s exports per capita are three times...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Díaz, Rodrigo Mariano
  • Valdés Figueroa, Luis
  • Pérez, Gabriel

The present edition of the FAL Bulletin analyses the potential opportunities and challenges of the implementation of blockchain technology for...

Publication cover
July 2021 |
  • Thorstensen, Vera
  • Arima Júnior, Mauro Kiithi
  • Megale, Tiago Matsuoka
  • Thomazella, Fábio Jorge de Toledo

O objetivo deste texto é examinar, sob a perspectiva do comércio internacional, as características gerais de funcionamento da regulamentação...

Publication cover
July 2021 |
  • Lourenço, Lucas dos Santos
  • Silveira, Douglas Sad
  • Oliveira, Glauco Avelino Sampaio

O objetivo deste texto é fornecer evidências dos efeitos adversos da imposição de medidas antidumping (AD) sobre a competitividade de diversos...

Publication cover
April 2021 |
  • Suárez, David
  • Pérez, Gabriel

This FAL Bulletin continues the reflections on disruptive technologies in transport that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Sánchez, Ricardo
  • Perrotti, Daniel E.
  • Gómez Paz, María Alejandra

This FAL Bulletin examines the dynamics of the increase in vessel size worldwide and the factors that explain it, and subsequently provides...

Publication cover
October 2020 |
  • Sánchez, Ricardo
  • Barleta, Eliana

This issue of the FAL Bulletin presents an inventory of all the port terminals in Latin America and the Caribbean, classifies them by...

Publication cover
September 2020 |
  • Sánchez, Ricardo

Provision of infrastructure services is one of the development bottlenecks for Latin American and Caribbean countries. As the Infrastructure...

Publication cover
June 2020 |
  • Sánchez, Silvana

This FAL Bulletin analyses data on the commodities traded and modes of transport used between nine South American countries between 2014 and 2017...

Publication cover
May 2020 |

Latin America and the Caribbean is highly dependent on imports of medical products, as less than 4% of these are sourced within the region itself...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
Publication cover
October 2019 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel
  • Sánchez, Ricardo

This FAL Bulletin analyses the role of logistics in production, distribution and trade in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Publication cover
July 2019 |

El Boletín de Comercio Exterior del MERCOSUR analiza la dinámica comercial del Mercado Común del Sur desde una perspectiva estructural. Se trata...

Publication cover
February 2018 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Rigo, Philippe

In 2016, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (...

Publication cover
September 2018 |
Publication cover
August 2018 |
Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Ahcar, Jaime

This paper identifies potential for trade between Colombia and the European Union following the implementation of a free trade agreement as from...

Publication cover
April 2018 |
  • Fuenzalida-O'Shee, Darcy
  • Valenzuela-Klagges, Bárbara
  • Corvalán-Quiroz, Alejandro

This study analyses the effects of trade facilitation on Chilean exports in 2006-2014. It reviews evidence and studies on trade facilitation and...