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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 2647 results in 133 pages.
Publication cover
September 2024 |

Este documento constituye la Ruta para la implementación del Acuerdo Regional sobre el Acceso a la Información, la Participación Pública y el...

Publication cover
September 2024 |
  • Gayá, Romina

En el presente documento se abordan los desafíos y oportunidades que el comercio electrónico transfronterizo plantea a las microempresas y...

Publication cover
September 2024 |
  • De Miguel, Carlos J.
  • Lorenzo, Santiago
  • Alatorre, José Eduardo
  • Gómez, José Javier
  • Ferrer, Jimy
  • Rezza, Lucía
  • Fernández Sepúlveda, Ignacio

Los países de América Latina y el Caribe han establecido sus compromisos de acción climática en sus contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional....

Publication cover
September 2024 |
  • Real Herráiz, Julia Irene
  • Cabezas Rojas, Reynaldo Antonio
  • Mateo Villalba, Salvador
  • Alandí Martín, Guillermo

En este estudio se evalúa una solución de ingeniería para el diseño, implementación y operación de una red de monitoreo integrada en una cuenca...

Publication cover
September 2024 |
  • Ciarli, Tommaso
  • Madariaga Espinoza, Andrés
  • Foster-McGregor, Neil

This report documents global shifts in of industrial policy objectives and the rationales behind public intervention to address them. Drawing from...

Publication cover
September 2024 |

This document begins with a diagnosis of the practices used by the region’s national statistical offices to measure the quality of estimates,...

Publication cover
September 2024 |

For Latin America and the Caribbean to break from the trap of low growth and low productivity in which it is mired, the region will need to build...

Publication cover
September 2024 |

Los países de América Latina y el Caribe han avanzado en la integración de la perspectiva de género en la producción estadística oficial, conforme...

Publication cover
September 2024 |

In order to generate data that accurately capture the persistence and magnitude of societal inequalities, the gender and intersectional...

Publication cover
August 2024

Within the framework of the XXIV International Meeting on Gender Statistics held in September 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico, the international...

Publication cover
September 2024 |

Latin America and the Caribbean is mired in a decades-long growth trap, and further hampered by global and regional conditions that limit the...

Publication cover
August 2024

The expansion of non-contributory pension systems in the region has been one of the major milestones in the development of social protection...

Publication cover
August 2024 |

Latin America and the Caribbean is caught in three development traps: weak capacity for growth; high inequality and low levels of social mobility...

Publication cover
July 2024 |

The publication "ECLAC Statistical Briefings," in its 14th edition, addresses opportunities and challenges in constructing climate...

Publication cover
July 2024

La Red de los Sistemas Nacionales de Inversión Pública (Red SNIP) es un espacio de intercambio de experiencias, conocimientos, buenas prácticas y...

Publication cover
July 2024 |

Recent years have seen a growing international interest in incorporating information on how citizens perceive and evaluate well-being into the...

Publication cover
July 2024 |
  • De Miguel, Carlos J.
  • Lorenzo, Santiago
  • Ferrer, Jimy
  • Gómez, José Javier
  • Alatorre, José Eduardo

La fijación de precios del carbono es una de las opciones de política pública para desincentivar las actividades de producción y consumo que...

Publication cover
July 2024 |
  • Guio, Armando

The report examines the development and impact of regulatory sandboxes in low- and middle-income countries. With a focus on understanding the...

Publication cover
July 2024 |

The main purpose of this issue is to describe the current status of subnational accounts in Latin America and the Caribbean, to detail the...

Publication cover
July 2024 |

Hunger and malnutrition persist as global challenges, also affecting Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). There are different proposals about...
