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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 403 results in 21 pages.
Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Nathan, Mathías

La expansión educativa ha sido el principal impulsor del aplazamiento de la maternidad
en los países industrializados. En el presente...

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Rojas López, Justo

Las cohabitaciones están en auge en México y las practican estratos sociales altos
y medios, mientras que antes eran casi exclusivas de...

Publication cover
June 2024 |
  • Robles, Adriana

El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el gradiente educativo de la disolución conyugal
de la primera unión de las mujeres en el Ecuador....

Publication cover
June 2024 |

Este primer número de Notas de Población de 2024 reúne ocho artículos que abordan una variedad de temas, todo ellos relevantes y de gran interés...

Publication cover
April 2024 |

In this accessible version of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Welle, Arthur
  • Matos de Oliveira, Ana Luiza

The objective of this article is to understand the class, race and gender profile of persons who would be most affected if the Brazilian State...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
Publication cover
January 2024 |

En esta edición de Claves de la CEPAL, sobre el Panorama Social de América Latina y el Caribe 2023, se destacan los principales los desafíos de la...

Publication cover
January 2024

Despite considerable strides in education in recent decades, in 2019, Latin America and the Caribbean was a long way from achieving the targets of...

Publication cover
January 2024 |
  • Huepe, Mariana

Invertir en educación es una decisión inteligente, muy rentable y esencial para el desarrollo de los países. América Latina y el Caribe debe...

Publication cover
February 2024 |
  • Servières, Laurie
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Gilbert, Randolph

Ti dokiman sa a prezante yon rezime sou leson ki nan fòmasyon adistans “Pwoteksyon ak pwomosyon sosyal” la. Se Komisyon Ekonomik pou Amerik Latin...

Publication cover
December 2023 |

This edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis for inclusive...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto

Social protection was extensively discussed at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development. Over 75 years, the Economic Commission for Latin...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Trucco, Daniela

Education is fundamental to the achievement of inclusive and sustainable economic and social development and more just and cohesive societies....

Publication cover
December 2023 |
Publication cover
August 2023
