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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
December 2008 |
  • Nassif, André

En este artículo se analizan los cambios en la estructura ycompetitividad de la industria de bienes de capital brasileña desdecomienzos de los...

Publication cover
December 2008 |
  • Nassif, André

This article analyses changes in the structure and competitiveness ofthe Brazilian capital goods industry since the early 1990s and proposes...

Publication cover
August 2008 |
  • Waters, Hugh R.
  • Bós, Antonio M.

This research assesses the effectiveness of the Brazilian public healthsystem and of private insurance in Brazil in providing financial...

Publication cover
August 2008 |
  • Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo
  • Simão, Rosycler Cristal Santos

This paper analyses the effects of gender discrimination on povertyin Brazil between 1992 and 2001, using data obtained from the NationalHousehold...

Publication cover
August 2008 |
  • Almeida, Daniel B. de Castro
  • Jayme Jr., Frederico G.

Since monetary stabilization in 1994, bank consolidation has beengathering pace in Brazil as part of a global concentration trend followingbank...

Publication cover
April 2008 |
  • Franco, Creso
  • Ribeiro, Luiz Cesar Queiroz
  • Alves Kalil, Fátima

This article analyses a dimension that is almost completely absentfrom studies on the socio-territorial mechanisms that reproduce inequalitiesin...