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Gross fixed capital formation in the Brazilian health sector: methodology and results for 2010–2019

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Gross fixed capital formation in the Brazilian health sector: methodology and results for 2010–2019

Author: Gazé Holguin, Tassia - Miguez, Thiago - Hasenclever, Lia - Freitas, Fabio Physical Description: páginas 185-202 Editorial: ECLAC Date: August 2023 ECLAC symbol: LC/PUB.2023/15-P

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Health satellite accounts provide information to elucidate the interaction between the health sector and the rest of the economy. However, in Brazil these accounts have gaps, such as a lack of data on gross fixed capital formation. The aim of this article is to present a methodology to measure gross fixed capital formation in the health sector in 2010–2019 and to analyse the data thus obtained. The results show that gross fixed capital formation in the health sector is biased towards machinery and equipment rather than construction. The share of private investment increased throughout the period whereas public investment declined.