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Plan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lines of action and proposals

Publication cover

Plan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lines of action and proposals

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 98 páginas. Editorial: CELAC Date: September 2021 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2021/115


The Plan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean: lines of action and proposals is a strategic document setting out lines of action to strengthen capacities to produce and distribute vaccines and medicines in the region. It was prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) at the request of the Government of Mexico, in its capacity as Pro Tempore Chair of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

The pandemic has highlighted the need for strong health systems and capacities. This document proposes seven lines of action that include short-, medium- and long-term initiatives to strengthen mechanisms for pooled international procurement of vaccines and essential medicines; use public procurement mechanisms for medicines to develop regional markets; create consortiums for the development and production of vaccines; implement a regional clinical trials platform; take advantage of regulatory flexibilities to gain access to intellectual property; strengthen regulatory convergence and recognition mechanisms; and strengthen primary health systems for equitable distribution of vaccines and universal access to them.

These lines of action and proposals for a plan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean are a call to action and set a clear and specific agenda, while advocating and requiring greater regional integration, cooperation and solidarity.

Table of contents

Foreword .-- Chapter I. The health complex in Latin America and the Caribbean: capacities and constraints. A. Analytical framework: linkage of production and demand. B. Vaccination: the focus of the regional situation. C. Structure and performance of the pharmaceutical industry: stylized facts. D. International trade in pharmaceuticals. E. Firm size, ownership and specialization. F. Fragmentation, segmentation and insufficiency of resources in the health sector. G. Policy formulation and implementation: the big picture .-- Chapter II. Components of the plan for self-sufficiency in health matters.