Universalizing access to digital technologies to address the consequences of COVID-19

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Universalizing access to digital technologies to address the consequences of COVID-19

- Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL
- Physical description: 25 páginas.
- Date: August 26, 2020


This Special Report is the seventh in a series by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on the evolution and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. It examines the key role of digital technologies in the pandemic prompted by the coronavirus and how gaps in access, affordability and network speed deepen the inequalities and vulnerabilities of the region’s population. It also analyzes the advances and limitations of digitalization and assesses how digital solutions reduce the impact of measures aimed at containing the virus, such as lockdowns and social distancing. Finally, the document proposes measures in the area of connectivity and the digital economy for an inclusive reactivation.

Table of contents

  • A. Progress and limitations relating to digitization during the pandemic. 1. The access gap exacerbates inequalities. 2. Low household income limits access to the Internet and the possibility of using mobile applications. 3. COVID-19 as a catalyst for discussion of data protection and privacy. 4. Regulation and antitrust measures
  • B. Policy measures and digital solutions
  • C. Towards reactiviation.