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ECLAC Thinking, Selected Texts (1948-1998)

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ECLAC Thinking, Selected Texts (1948-1998)

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 520 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2016 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2699 ISBN: 9567083983


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in 1998 the anthology Fifty years of ECLAC thought: selected texts, was published in Spanish and Portuguese, as a selection of the Commission’s classic works spanning the period from its inception through to the 1990s. Since then, that volume has become an obligatory reference in studies on Latin American development for readers who are familiar with either of those two languages; and it has been widely used in the region’s university courses, both in economics and in social sciences generally. The book’s excellent reception reflected the fact that it provided a good sample of the intellectual path followed by ECLAC during its first 50 years of existence. Now, in response to great demand from academics and others interested in ECLAC’s work, it gives us great satisfaction to publish a version in English, which will allow it to be more widely disseminated throughout the world.

Table of contents

Prologue/ Alicia Bárcena -- Fifty Years Of Eclac Thought: A Review / Ricardo Bielschowsky .-- The Economic Development Of Latin America / Raúl Prebisch .-- Economic Survey Of Latin America 1949 / ECLAC .-- Theoretical And Practical Problems Of Economic Growth / Raúl Prebisch .-- The Growth And Decline Of Import Substitution In Brazil / María da Conceicao Tavares .-- Development And Underdevelopment / Celso Furtado .-- An Introduction To The Technique Of Programming / ECLAC .-- Inflation And Economic Development In Chile And Mexico / Juan F. Noyola Vásquez .-- Inflation In Chile: An Unorthodox Approach / Osvaldo Sunkel .-- The Latin American Common Market / ECLAC .-- Report By The Secretariat Towards A New Trade Policy For Development / Raúl Prebisch .-- Economic Development In Latin America Sociological Considerations / José Medina Echavarría .-- Towards A Dynamic Development Policy For Latin America / Raúl Prebisch .-- Transnational Capitalism And National Disintegration In Latin America / Osvaldo Sunkel .-- Nature And Implications Of The “Structural Heterogeneity” Of Latin America / Aníbal Pinto .-- Styles Of Development In Latin America / Aníbal Pinto .-- The Quito Appraisal / ECLAC .-- Power And Development Styles / Jorge Graciarena .-- Approaches To Development: Who Is Approaching What? / Marshall Wolfe .-- Adjustment Policies And Renegotiation Of The External Debt In Latin America / ECLAC .-- Change And Crisis: Latin America And The Caribbean 1950-1984 / ECLAC .-- Industrialization In Latin America: From The “Blackbox” To The “Empty Box” / Fernando Fajnzylber .-- Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity the Prime Task of Latin American and Caribbean development in the 1990s / ECLAC .-- Education And Knowledge: Basic Pillars Of Changing Production Patterns With Social Equity / ECLAC/UNESCO .-- The Equity Gap Latin America, The Caribbean And The Social Summit / ECLAC .-- Open Regionalism In Latin America And The Caribbean: Economic Integration As A Contribution To Changing Production Patterns With Social Equity / ECLAC .-- Latin America And The Caribbean: Policies To Improve Linkages With The Global Economy / ECLAC