Caribbean development report Volume I

| Publication

Caribbean development report Volume I

- Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
- Physical description: 294 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- UN symbol (Signature): LC/CAR/L.155/Rev.1
- Date: December 21, 2007

Table of contents

  • Foreword
  • Informal economy and informal citizenship: Exploring causation and connectivity in socio-politico shifts in Jamaica by Eris D. Schoburgh (PhD)
  • New perspectives on corporate social responsibility in the Caribbean by Fabio Balboni, Wayne Charles-Soverall and Brigette McDonald Levy
  • The contribution of women to the economy and social protection especially in relation to unpaid work performed by women in the Caribbean by Sheila Stuart
  • Inside and outside the Afro-Caribbean diaspora by Regla B. Diago Pinillos
  • The political economy of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean by Daphne Phillips
  • Caribbean small States, vulnerability and development by Asha Kambon
  • Changing population age structures and their implications on socio-economic development in the Caribbean by Karoline Schmid
  • Preparedness for rain during sunny weather: Caribbean environmental sustainability in a nuclear age by Gregory Freeland
  • Regional integration in the Caribbean assessing the impact of the CSME on CARICOM’s poorest member State by Asha Williams
  • Balance of payments constrained growth within a consistent stock-flow framework: An application to the economies of CARICOM by Esteban Pérez Caldentey
  • Trade liberalisation, trade performance and competitiveness in the Caribbean by Michael Hendrickson
  • Prospects for development: CARICOM’s performing arts sector by Halcyon E. Hoagland
  • The political economy of natural gas in Trinidad and Tobago by Jacob Campbell
  • Biographies
  • Guidelines for contributors to The Caribbean Development Review

Subregional headquarter(s) and office(s)

Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain