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CEPAL Review no.55

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CEPAL Review no.55

Physical Description: 202 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 1995 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1858-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211212022

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Table of contents

A summary of the ECLAC proposal / Eugenio Lahera, Ernesto Ottone and Osvaldo Rosales. -- Post-conflict peace-building: a challenge for the United Nations / Graciana del Castillo. -- Decentralization and democracy: the new Latin American municipality / Eduardo Palma. -- The political economy of protection after the Uruguay Round / José Tavares. -- Trade policy and international linkages: a Latin American perspective / Marta Bekerman and Pablo Sirlin. -- Capital movements and external financing / Benjamin Hopenhayn. -- The impact of exchange-rate and trade policy on export performance in the 1980s / Graciela Moguillansky. -- The present state and future prospects of the environm ent in Latin America and the Caribbean / Nicolo Gligo. -- Youth expectations and rural development / Martine Dirven. -- Transnational corporations and structural changes in industry In Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico / Ricardo Bielschowsky and Giovanni Stumpo. -- El Salvador: industrial policy, business attitudes and future prospects / Roberto Salazar. -- Technological change and structuralist analysis / Armando Kuri