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CEPAL Review no.58

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CEPAL Review no.58

Physical Description: 228 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 1996 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1916-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211212146

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Table of contents

Aníbal Pinto Santa Cruz / Gert Rosenthal. -- Social policy paradigms in Latin America / Rolando Franco. -- Virtues and limitations of census maps for identifying critical deficiencies / Rubén Kaztman. -- Central America: inflation and stabilization in the crisis and post-crisis eras / Hubert Escaith, Claudia Schatan. -- The State, business and the restoration of the neoclassical paradigm / A . Barros de Castro. -- Globalization and loss of autonomy by the fiscal, banking and monetary authorities / Juan Carlos Lerda. -- The macroeconomic context and investment: Latin America since 1980 / Graciela Moguillansky. -- Property rights and the rural land market in Latin America / Frank Vogelgesang. -- Mexico: the plan and the current situation / David Ibarra. -- Foreign trade and the environment: experiences in three Chilean export sectors / Imme Scholz. -- The competitive challenge for Brazilian industry / Joao Carlos Ferraz, David Kupfer and Lia Hagenauer. -- Indicators of fiscal policy: design and applications for Chile / Ricardo Mariner. -- ECLAC and the sociology of development / Enzo Faletto.