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CEPAL Review no.69

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CEPAL Review no.69

Physical Description: 204 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 1999 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2067-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211212774

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Table of contents

International financial reform: the broad agenda / José Antonio Ocampo.-- Two challenges for the twenty-first century: achieving financial discipline and putting the internationalization process in order / Robert Boyer.-- Labour costs and competitiveness in the Latin American manufacturing sector, 1990-1998 / Víctor E. Tokman and Daniel Martínez.-- Worker participation in company profits or operating results in Latin America / Andrés E. Marinakis.-- Social capital and culture: master keys to development / Bernardo Kliksberg.-- Building community social capital / John Durston.-- Technological maturity in the world petrochemical industry / Javier Jasso Villazul.-- Access to housing and direct housing subsidies: some Latin American experiences / Gerardo M. Gonzales Arrieta.-- Military expenditure in Colombia: macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects / Yaneth Giha Tobar, Héctor Riveros Reyes and Andrés Soto Velasco.-- Reforms to health system financing in Chile / Daniel Titelman.