CEPAL Review no.74
Physical Description: 186 páginas.
Publisher: ECLAC
UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/G.2135-P
August 1, 2001
ISBN: 9211213355
Table of contents
- A new look at the development agenda / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Managing in the public sector for investment and growth / Ricardo Martner. -- Corporate competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean / Michael Mortimore and Wilson Peres. -- Globalization and tax competition: implications for developing countries / Reuven S. Avi-Yonah. -- The small economies of Latin America and the Caribbean / Hubert Escaith. -- The WTO entry of China and its impact on the countries of the Caribbean Basin / Eduardo Gitli and Randall Arce. -- Reflections on development financing / Roberto Frenkel. -- The banking supervision agenda in Latin America / Ernesto Livacic and Sebastián Sáez. -- Reforming health-care management in Latin America / Ana Sojo. -- An econometric analysis of private-sector investment in Brazil / Marcio Bruno Ribeiro and Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira. -- Policies for small and medium-sized enterprises in Chile / Cecilia Alarcón and Giovanni Stumpo.