CEPAL Review no.87
CEPAL Review no.87
Table of contents
Policies for economic diversification / Dani Rodrik .-- Towards an efficient innovation policy in Latin America / William F. Maloney and Guillermo Perry .-- Reassessing social policies in Latin America: Growth, middle classes and social rights / Andrés Solimano .-- Health-care financing and equity: public insurance in Chile / Rafael Urriola Urbina .-- Tax reform for human development in Central America / Manuel R. Agosin, Alberto Barreix, Juan Carlos Gómez Sabaini and Roberto Machado .-- Public debt sustainability in the northern countries of Latin America / Igor Paunovic .-- The accumulation process and agrofood networks in Latin America / Roberto Bisang and Graciela E. Gutman .-- The technical skills of information technology workers in Argentina / José Borello, Analía Erbes, Verónica Robert, Sonia Roitter and Gabriel Yoguel .-- Regional integration and the labour market: the Brazilian case / Marta Reis Castilho .-- Central bank independence and its relationship to inflation / Helder Ferreira de Mendonça.