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Guaranteeing indigenous people's rights in Latin America. Progress in the past decade and remaining challenges. Summary

Publication cover

Guaranteeing indigenous people's rights in Latin America. Progress in the past decade and remaining challenges. Summary

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 115 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: November 2014 ECLAC symbol: LC/L.3893/Rev.1


As the twenty-first century advances, the countries of Latin America are building deeper democracies and looking critically at the development process, in the growing conviction that development should focus on equality and be approached on the basis of rights. This means tackling the region’s persistent inequalities, especially those affecting indigenous peoples, who have historically suffered exclusion and discrimination. It also means guaranteeing indigenous people both the enjoyment of human rights on an equal footing to the rest of society, and the right to be collectively different. This is a challenge for this century, which began with the recognition of the rights of indigenous people and the role they unquestionably play on national and international agendas.

Table of contents

Foreword .-- Introduction .-- I. Background and sociopolitical context of indigenous
peoples’ rights in Latin America .-- II. Mapping the demographics of indigenous peoples:
counting is relevant .-- III. Territorial rights and spatial mobility of indigenous
peoples in Latin America .-- IV. The right to well-being of indigenous peoples .-- V. Right to information and communication.