Government Officials and Experts to Analyze Contribution of Information Technologies to Social Development

| Press Release

The advances in the fields of health and education will be highlighted in order to promote their inclusion in the region's public social policies.

(15 October 2010) The contribution that information and communications technologies (ICTs) can make to social development, especially in the fields of education and health, will be examined during an international seminar to be held at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile on Wednesday, 20 October.

The seminar Social Policies and the Information Society: Gaps, Opportunities and Rights is organized by ECLAC's Social Development Division with the support of the European Union through its cooperation initiative LIS.

The event will discuss the most significant ICT issues and their contribution to reducing inequality and poverty and ensuring social, economic and cultural rights.

It will be inaugurated at 9 a.m. by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, the First Secretary of the European Union's Delegation in Chile, Gerald Hatler, and the Executive Secretary for Digital Development of the Government of Chile, Alfredo Barriga.

The event will include conferences and panels presided by renowned government officials and experts such as Martín Hopenhayn, Director of ECLAC's Social Development Division, Claudio Orrego, Mayor of the Peñalolén municipality (Chile), and Paulo Lopes, Advisor for Latin America on the Information Society and the Media of the European Union's Delegation in Brazil, among others.


The media is welcome to attend the seminar at ECLAC headquarters (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago, Celso Furtado Conference Room).

For more information and registration online, visit the webpage of ECLAC's Social Development Division.

For enquiries, please contact ECLAC's Public Information and Web Services Section.
Email:; telephone: (56-2) 210-2040.

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Por su parte, Gerald Hatler, Primer Secretario de la Delegación de la Unión Europea en Chile, indicó que las TIC desempeñan un papel clave para mejorar la vida de las personas y por eso es muy importante aumentar el acceso del público a Internet y banda ancha.
2010-10-21 | Press Release

Adopting New Technologies is Key to Reducing Inequality Gaps in the Region

Experts analyzed the contribution of information and communications technologies in the fields of education and health and their incorporation in social policies.

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