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6 September 2024 | Briefing note
On Friday, September 6, 2024, the third online training session on the “Application of Circular Economy Principles in the Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector” was held, directed at the Plurinational State of Bolivia as part of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory (ROSA) Project. The three-hour session focused on the opportunities that the circular economy offers for methane recovery in wastewater treatment plants, highlighting estimation methodologies, financial evaluation, and financing options.
5 September 2024 | Briefing note
On September 5, 2024, the event "World Café: The Role of Women in Comprehensive Water Management in International Settings" took place, organized by the Water and Sanitation Regulation Commission of Colombia (CRA). The event featured the participation of Ms. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of ECLAC's Natural Resources Division, who addressed key topics related to gender equity in water management and its impact on the quality of life for women and girls in the region.
4 September 2024 | Briefing note
On September 4th, 2024, the Water Governance Congress: "Access to Water, a Human Right" was held, organized by the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment (SERNA) of the Government of the Republic of Honduras. The hybrid event took place at the National University of Agriculture and Livestock (UNAG) in Catacamas, Olancho, and ECLAC, represented by Ms. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of the Natural Resources Division, delivered a keynote speech at the high-level CCAD side event: "Exchange of International Experiences in Water Resource Management”.
3 September 2024 | Briefing note
The Webinar, organized by ECLAC on September 3, 2024, aimed to provide key stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector in Panama with the necessary tools and knowledge to develop a sustainable and inclusive tariff system. The first session, titled “Calculation of Service Costs,” delved into the methodologies and tools used to accurately assess the costs associated with providing water and sanitation services.
15 August 2024 | Briefing note
From 11 to 15 August 2024, in Toronto, Canada, ECLAC actively participated in the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress. Dr. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer in the Water and Energy Unit of the Natural Resources Division, gave a presentation on the integration of circular economy principles in water management systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. The session highlighted the need for innovative approaches to wastewater treatment, with an emphasis on methane recovery, water reuse and sustainable infrastructure.
9 August 2024 | Briefing note
The virtual ROSA training aimed to review the justification, description, participation, and outcomes of the various international processes related to water management, including aspects relevant to the management of transboundary waters.
1 August 2024 | Briefing note
The seminar titled “Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Water Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities to Achieve SDG 6” was presented by Dr. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of ECLAC’s Water, Energy, and Biodiversity Unit, in collaboration with the Water Resources Center for Agriculture and Mining (CRHIAM) on August 1, 2024. The event focused on the crucial role of water in the region, the current state of water resources, and the proposed actions to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6).
26 July 2024 | Briefing note
The seminar titled "Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Water Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities to Achieve SDG 6" was presented by the Water Resources Team of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) at the Latin American School of Development Studies (ELADES) on July 26, 2024. The event focused on the current state of water resources in the region, progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), and proposed solutions for a sustainable water transition.
7 June 2024 | Briefing note
The series of ROSA Webinars aimed to provide tools to improve the regulatory and tariff system in El Salvador, addressing the country's specific challenges in this area. Over the course of four sessions, the theoretical and practical aspects of the country's tariff regulation were analyzed and interactive exercises were carried out to deepen the participants' knowledge.
31 May 2024 | Briefing note
On May 31, CEPAL held the third session of the Online Seminars "Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Tariff Regulation in El Salvador," as part of the ROSA project. This session focused on analyzing the transition from cost to tariff, taking into account the various factors involved in this process and its impact on the equity and accessibility of the service.
22 de May de 2024 | Briefing note
El seminario sobre "La Gobernanza del Agua", organizado por la Unidad de Agua y Energía de la División de Recursos Naturales de la CEPAL, presentó un análisis profundo sobre el estado actual de los recursos hídricos en la región, los desafíos asociados y las propuestas para mejorar la gestión y gobernanza del agua. Se destacó la importancia de una gobernanza sólida para asegurar el acceso equitativo y sostenible al agua, abordando aspectos de políticas públicas, sostenibilidad y equidad de género.
17 May 2024 | Briefing note
On May 17, ECLAC conducted the second session of the online seminar series "Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Tariff Regulation in El Salvador," as part of the ROSA project. This session brought together several national counterparts to explore alternatives for calculating service costs to ensure their viability and sustainability.
13 May 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC launched the online seminar series "Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Tariff Regulation in El Salvador" as part of the ROSA project. The first meeting, held on May 13, featured participation from national counterparts. During this event, tools were presented to promote a more sustainable and inclusive regulatory and tariff system in the country, addressing both national challenges and opportunities.
24 April 2024 | Briefing note
As part of the ongoing efforts for the project "Potable Water, Sanitation, and Renewable Energies to Improve Population Health" (UNPDF project and German Cooperation), led by Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC, and her specialized team in circular economy, a follow-up meeting was convened with CONAGUA Mexico, the project's national counterpart, on April 24, 2024. The aim of this meeting was to review progress made in the country and strategize the next steps following the completion of the initial phase of the project.
5 April 2024 | Briefing note
During the 2024 Regional Water Dialogues, the president of ASA, Jorge Castaneda, formally announced the municipal commitment to follow the co-designed investment plan for the wastewater treatment plant of Metapán. He also highlighted that initial discussions had taken place with FIDEAGUA, a local NGO funding mechanism operating in El Salvador, expressing interest in exploring investment opportunities in this specific wastewater treatment plant.
4 April 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC's Natural Resources Division was invited to take part in the discussion panel organized by the World Bank and AIDIS on the challenges and guidelines for meeting SDG 6. The panel brought together a group of experts and leaders from the water sector to analyze strategies and policies that aim to address gaps in the fulfillment of this important global objective.
3 April 2024 | Briefing note
The water and sanitation crisis requires a holistic, systemic and multilateral response to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6. In the region there is a lack of available data on the governance, management or environmental aspects of water, the data that exists on Drinking water and sanitation are dispersed among national institutions and countries' capacities to report on different sustainable water management indicators. To accelerate compliance with SDG 6, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries need to promote policies and incentives based on timely, reliable and standardized information, which requires strengthening their capacities in a changing environment. This is the central objective of the Regional Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability (ROSA) in LAC, which continues to advance with a very successful and enlightening year.
27 March 2024 | Briefing note
The IV Edition of the Regional Water Dialogues for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) was held from March 11 to 13, 2024, organized by ECLAC in collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and with the support of the Regional Group of Experts in Water Resources.
21 March 2024 | Briefing note
From March 11th till the 13th of 2024, the IV Edition of the Regional Water Dialogues for Latin America and the Caribbean was held, organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation Agriculture (IICA), in San José, Costa Rica.
25 March 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC’s Regional Water Dialogues in Latin America and the Caribbean 2024 included a session on “Transboundary Waters: Management, Cooperation and Peace” co-organised by the Water Convention (UNECE), the Organisation of American States, and the Inter-American Development Bank. The session was a call to strengthen water cooperation in the region, with the aim to enhance water security and prevent conflict. By showcasing different experiences and perspectives from countries and basin organizations, participants explored the needs for and the benefits of cooperation at various scales and across sectors, with a special focus on institutional and legal instruments available, such as the UN Water Convention.