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31 August 2012 | Press Release
Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, called on the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to coordinate their macroeconomic, industrial, social, labour and environmental policies.
1 August 2012 | Press Release
In Quito, ECLAC's member States agreed to move forward on the standardization of figures for achieving comparability.
1 August 2012 | Press Release
In Quito, the UN high-level official inaugurated the Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development. She said this was "the opportunity to make the leap to environmental sustainability and equality".
31 July 2012 | Press Release
Antonio Prado inaugurated the seminar in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of ILPES at ECLAC's headquarters, where the Colombian economist José Antonio Ocampo made a presentation.
31 de July de 2012 | Press Release
Con la realización de este evento, las instituciones de Naciones Unidas buscan promover la discusión sobre la importancia de las políticas públicas para el progreso y desarrollo del cooperativismo en la región.
2 July 2012 | Press Release
The Colombian economist José Antonio Campo, former Director of ILPES and former Executive Secretary of ECLAC, will deliver a keynote speech on planning and development.
25 April 2012 | Press Release
A study presents a socio-demographic overview of the Mapuche population.
28 March 2012 | Press Release
The Government of Brazil will host the next appointment of the Council, a subsidiary body of ECLAC, to be held in November.
28 February 2012 | Press Release
The average tax to GDP ratio in 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC) rose from 14.9% in 1990 to 19.2% in 2009.
25 January 2012 | Press Release
While average investment in the region is 20% of GDP, in some countries in Asia Pacific it is 40%, stated Alicia Bárcena.
20 January 2012 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the Organization, Alicia Bárcena, will open the twenty-fourth Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy.
27 October 2011 | Press Release
The Organization's publication, available as of today in electronic format, examines the challenges of public management in the region.
17 October 2011 | Press Release
Executive Secretary of ECLAC participated in a panel together with the Secretary of State of the United States of America and Secretary General of the OAS.
26 July 2011 | Press Release
Government authorities and senior officials from regional and international agencies discussed the role of the State in Latin America and the Caribbean.
10 May 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena outlined the main fiscal challenges now faced by the region's governments.
19 January 2011 | Press Release
At the 23rd Regional seminar on fiscal policy, participants will discuss the fiscal measures needed to achieve inclusive economic development in Latin America.
19 October 2010 | Press Release
An international seminar will examine experiences and policies to overcome territorial disparities.
3 August 2010 | Press Release
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean must conquer economic, physical and political autonomy for full recognition of their rights.
8 July 2010 | Press Release
The inter-governmental forum is the most important event in the region for the analysis of public policies from a gender perspective.
11 June 2010 | Press Release
In their resolutions, delegates requested the Executive Secretariat to prepare new economic and social indicators that may reflect the reality of each country.