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flyer evento
20 September 2024 | Announcement
ECLAC's Executive Secretary José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs will participate in this UNGA 79 High-Level Event.
Foto de participantes en el evento
15 April 2024 | News
Today, in the framework of the seventh Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, an annual youth gathering was held at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
Banner Ministerial Education ENG
18 January 2024 | Announcement
The meeting is convened by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education of Chile. It is co-organised with the CAF BANK, the World Bank, ECLAC and UNICEF.
Foto de participantes en el evento
12 December 2023 | News
The region’s poor performance in the PISA 2022 evaluation requires firm responses by countries to improve their education systems, according to the specialists at a hybrid event held at ECLAC.
15 November 2023 | Press Release
Authorities concluded the Fifth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Cover page of document.
14 November 2023 | News
The report, prepared by ECLAC with support from UNFPA, was presented to countries in the framework of the Fifth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
14 November 2023 | Press Release
In the framework of the Fifth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, countries commemorated the tenth anniversary of the region’s most important intergovernmental agreement in this area.
Meeting banner.
17 October 2023 | Announcement
This celebration will take place in the framework of the fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, which will be held on November 14-15 at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
24 April 2023 | Press Release
Representatives of ECLAC, FAO, UNDP and UNFPA, along with the Resident Coordinator in Chile, participated in the Fifth Forum of Children and Youth of Latin America and the Caribbean 2030 in Santiago.
30 de June de 2022 | Press Release
At the conclusion of the fourth session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, countries urged for strengthening multilateralism, solidarity and international cooperation.
28 June 2022 | Press Release
Today senior authorities inaugurated the fourth session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, which is taking place through Thursday, June 30, at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
26 June 2022 | Press Release
A new document by the UN regional commission will be presented to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean during the Fourth Session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, to be inaugurated on Tuesday, June 28.
Banner of meeting.
20 June 2022 | Announcement
The Fourth Session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place using a hybrid format on June 28-30, 2022, at ECLAC’s central headquarters.
20 de May de 2022 | News
CONCAUSA es un programa regional que busca visibilizar y fortalecer propuestas lideradas por jóvenes del continente para que puedan incidir en sus realidades y avanzar hacia un desarrollo sostenible e inclusivo.
Fotografía de gente caminando.
18 de May de 2022 | Announcement
El encuentro se realizará de manera híbrida -presencial y virtual- del 28 al 30 de junio de 2022 en la sede central del organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago, Chile.
8 October 2021 | Announcement
The First Regional Seminar on Social Development will take place October 13-15. Organized by ECLAC, the seminar will focus on the subject of education.
Panel del diálogo intergeneracional.
27 de September de 2021 | News
La 5ta edición del encuentro organizado por CEPAL, UNICEF y América Solidaria se realizó por primera vez de manera virtual y contó con un espacio de diálogo intergeneracional entre autoridades regionales y jóvenes del continente.
11 de March de 2020 | Speech
Palabras de Raúl García Buchaca, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto para Administración y Análisis de Programas de la CEPAL.
11 March 2020 | Press Release
In the framework of the Concausa 2030 initiative, organized by ECLAC, UNICEF and América Solidaria, some 50 adolescents from 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries unveiled their proposals today in Santiago, Chile.
Fotografía oficial de Concausa 2018.
9 de March de 2020 | Announcement
El seminario, que se enmarca dentro de la iniciativa Concausa, organizada por la CEPAL, América Solidaria y UNICEF, se realizará el miércoles 11 de marzo en la sede central de la comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago, Chile.