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foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
27 June 2024 | News
Today marked the end of the Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development organized by ECLAC, in which authorities and specialists analyzed the links between social protection and inequality.
10 June 2024 | Infographic
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face structural challenges related to the region’s pattern of productive and trade specialization; and these are compounded by persistent gender inequalities, both in labour markets and in the social organization of care. Poorly diversified production and vulnerability to external shocks make it more difficult to achieve gender equality. These factors detract from labour market dynamism, restrict the exploitation of capacities and lead to an unequal distribution of the benefits of growth and the costs of economic adjustments. Moreover, violence against women, the excessive burden of unpaid work and the gender wage gap are barriers to women’s full participation in economies. These factors serve to perpetuate structural gaps; and they inhibit innovation, the creation of more diverse work environments and more complex and equal production structures (ECLAC, 2019).
flyer event
10 June 2024 | Announcement
The event seeks to strengthen the design of public policies aimed at reducing inequality and achieving progress on inclusive social development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
22 March 2024 | Press Release
A high-level dialogue on inclusive social development policies was inaugurated by ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, and senior officials from Costa Rica, Chile and Honduras.
Foto de participantes en el evento
22 de March de 2024 | News
Autoridades de la región y especialistas participaron en evento organizado por la CEPAL y la Cooperación Alemana.
5 March 2024 | Press Release
ECLAC's Demographic Observatory 2023 report, launched today, examines the demographic dynamics of Latin America and its impact on the labor force.
9 January 2024 | Press Release
According to a new joint publication by these two United Nations organizations, the increase in the regional employment rate, seen in 2022, slowed significantly in the first six months of 2023, while the participation rate declined.
23 November 2023 | Press Release
Despite this improvement in the indicators, more than 180 million people in the region do not have enough income to meet their basic needs and 70 million of them lack the income needed to acquire a basic food basket, the Commission warns in its report Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2023.
16 November 2023 | Announcement
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, will give a press conference on Thursday, November 23 from Santiago, Chile.
Foto del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL en la testera con otras dos personas
26 October 2023 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, participated in the “Dialogues on Uruguay’s Future,” where he stressed the need to escalate productive development policies and focus efforts on dynamic sectors to increase growth in the region’s countries and make it more sustainable and inclusive.
7 de July de 2023 | Infographic
Para la CEPAL, la inclusión laboral es un objetivo del desarrollo social inclusivo que busca que todos los integrantes de la fuerza laboral puedan acceder a trabajos decentes que aseguren niveles adecuados de remuneración y cobertura en protección social. En la práctica, la inclusión laboral está compuesta por la (i) inserción en el mercado laboral y (ii) las condiciones del trabajo al que se accede. Mujeres, jóvenes, personas con discapacidad, personas en situación de pobreza, afrodescendientes, Pueblos Indígenas y otras poblaciones que se encuentran en la intersección de los ejes estructurantes de la matriz de desigualdad social enfrentan mayores obstáculos y barreras de inclusión laboral. En este sentido, no es posible alcanzar un crecimiento económico sostenible si éste no viene de la mano de la creación de empleos productivos que consideren la vulnerabilidad social de la fuerza laboral y los factores estructurales que sustentan la desigualdad y la pobreza en la región.
Foto de participantes en el evento
29 June 2023 | News
Today the Third Regional Seminar on Social Development concluded, having convened Labour Ministers, academics, specialists and representatives of trade-union and employer organizations.
27 June 2023 | Press Release
Today authorities and specialists inaugurated the Third Regional Seminar on Social Development, organized by ECLAC in collaboration with numerous institutions.
23 June 2023 | Announcement
The event will take place on June 27-29 at the United Nations regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Foto de participantes en el evento
1 June 2023 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the inauguration of a two-day workshop on the labor market effects of automation and technology adoption in the global economy.
photo of the document's cover
21 November 2022 | Announcement
The annual report, Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2022, will be presented on Thursday, November 24 at a press conference given by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization.
Foto de participantes en el evento
17 November 2022 | News
Authorities and specialists addressed these and other issues on the second day of the Eighth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place through Friday, November 18 in Montevideo.
8 September 2022 | Press Release
The report highlights that while achievement with the education goals established in SDG4 of the 2030 Agenda was not assured before the COVID-19 pandemic, it is much less so now. The agencies emphasize that the targets will not be met without a change in the direction of policies and resource allocation for education.
24 de February de 2022 | Infographic
La alta presencia de organizaciones de mujeres en el sur del Tolima pone de manifiesto el desarrollo y la consolidación de vínculos rurales-urbanos entre aquellas que se han aventurado a encontrar formas colectivas de construcción de paz en medio del conflicto armado y la violencia contra la mujer. El camino de juntarse y organizarse no ha sido tarea fácil, sin embargo, el tiempo y la evolución de sus vínculos dan cuenta de las estrategias aprendidas para resolver problemas propios y de sus comunidades.
30 November 2021 | Press Release
In a new joint report, the two UN organizations indicate that in the medium term it will be necessary to rebuild more resilient labour markets and foster formalization.