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22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet. The paradox of progressivity in countries with low levels of taxation: Income tax in Guatemala
22 December 2010 | Press Release
Academics and experts also write about topics including taxation in Guatemala and income distribution in Peru.
10 November 2010 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena participated in the Latin American and the Caribbean-European Union Forum taking place in Germany.
4 January 2011 | Press Release
Today, ECLAC opened the first School for Policymakers in Science, Technology and Innovation, in order to strengthen capacities in the region's countries.
31 May 2010 | Fact sheet
A fact sheet that collects data on income distribution between 2003-2008 shows that despite improvements in employment and labor income, social gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean remain huge.
31 May 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet showing data supporting that inequality in the region originates from the labor market, since the quantity and quality of employment, and real wages, determine the material welfare of most households and are an essential element for achieving social cohesion. Data collected during the period 2004 - 2008.
31 May 2010 | Press Release
The document "Time for Equality. Closing Gaps, Opening Trails" was launched today in Brasilia during the Thirty-third Session of the Commission.
26 May 2010 | Press Release
The proposals are outlined in the document "Time for equality. Closing gaps, opening trails", which will be launched during the Commission's biannual meeting, its most important event.
1 de February de 2010 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
27 de January de 2010 | Press Release
Autoridades y expertos se reúnen para discutir las salidas de la crisis, el gasto social, las finanzas públicas, la economía baja en carbono y las reformas tributarias.
20 January 2010 | Press Release
The XXII version of this forum will address the impact of the crisis on public finances, economic reactivation plans, social spending and inequality, among other issues.