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Twentieth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee

5 November 2021|Event

CDCC Member Countries and Associate Members will convene virtually for the 20th meeting of the CDCC Monitoring Committee.


Banner of 20th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC
Twentieth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC
ECLAC Caribbean

The Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) was created as a permanent subsidiary body to function within the structure of the Commission and promote development cooperation among Caribbean countries by Resolution E/CEPAL/989/Rev.1

The objectives of CDCC are:

  • To promote and strengthen economic and social cooperation and integration among the countries of the Caribbean and with Latin America.
  • To promote the sharing of information and experiences among its membership.
  • To promote common positions and strategies on economic and social issues among Caribbean nations, and on their relations with third countries, and to present those positions to international forums and agencies.

Regular sessions of ministers are held every two years. The sessions are convened on dates that facilitate the transmission of relevant reports and decisions to the biennial sessions of ECLAC. 

Register here for the Twentieth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee; and the Seminar on non-communicable diseases and their impact on sustainable development in the Caribbean.



  1. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
  2. Accelerating recovery and strengthening economic resilience in the Caribbean
  3. Supporting recovery through regional solidarity and integration
  4. Safeguarding the health of the Caribbean
  5. Implementation of the 2020 programme of work for the Caribbean
  6. Other matters
  7. Date and venue of the twenty-ninth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee
  8. Conclusions and recommendations

Practical information

Please note that the meeting link will be shared with participants via email upon completion of registration. 

Interpretation (EN) / Interprétation (FR) / Interpretación (ES):

Interpretation into French and Spanish will be provided only for the Twentieth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC.

  • A comprehensive guide on using the Interactio app for interpretation will be shared upon completion of registration.
  • Un guide complet sur l'utilisation de l'application Interactio pour l'interprétation sera partagé à la fin de l'inscription.
  • Una vez completado el registro, se compartirá una guía completa sobre el uso de la aplicación Interactio para interpretación.