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Technical meeting on validation of prices of household consumption expenditure

29 September 2021|Event

Virtual meeting organized by ECLAC in its capacity as Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ICP.


International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /
International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /

The topics to be discussed at this meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean will basically be:

  1. Status of the ICP - Schedule of activities - Deliveries of information and procedure with the data collected 2019-2020-2021.
  2. Validation of prices for the 1st quarter of prices for household consumption expenditure.
  3. Agreements and next steps.

Spanish-English interpretation will be provided in this regional meeting.

29 Sep 2021

  • Session 1: General background

    15:00 to 15:35

       ▪ Welcome remarks representative of ECLAC

       ▪ Welcome remarks representative of the World Bank

    • Banco Mundial / World Bank
      Estado de situación del PCI a nivel global / Status of the ICP at a global level
      Estado de situación y cronograma de actividades del PCI a nivel regional / Status and schedule of the 2021 ICP Cycle at regional level
  • Session 2: Household consumption expenditure prices for 2021 cycle: food and beverages

    15:35 to 17:30
      Procedimiento de validación intra-país y extrapolación de los datos recolectados para el primer trimestre 2019-2020
      Intra-country validation procedure and extrapolation of data collected for Q1 2019-2020
      Banco Mundial / World Bank
      Tablas Quaranta: revisión de los aspectos principales de la validación inter-países / Quaranta Tables: review of main aspects for inter-country validation
      Validación de precios del primer trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares: alimentos y bebidas / Validation of Q1 prices of household consumption expenditure

30 Sep 2021

  • Session 2: Household consumption expenditure prices for 2021 cycle: food and beverages (cont.)

    15:00 to 17:15
      Validación de precios del primer trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares: alimentos y bebidas / Validation of Q1 prices of household consumption expenditure: food and beverages
      Estado de situación de la recolección de precios primer trimestre
           » Ronda de preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
  • Session 3: Final remarks

    17:15 to 17:30