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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results in 1 pages.
27 August 2019 | Meetings and technical symposiums
22 November 2013 | Meetings of council
The Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) and the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management (MPOG) of the Federative Republic of Brazil held the XIII Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean and The XIV Meeting of...
21 November 2013 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) and the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management (MPOG) of the Federative Republic of Brazil held the XIII Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean and The XIV Meeting of...
8 April 2002 | Presiding officers
El Consejo Regional de Planificación (CRP) es el principal órgano Intergubernamental que orienta las actividades del Instituto. Sus reuniones ordinarias son cada cuatro año y está integrado por los Ministros o Jefes de Planificación de los 40 gobiernos miembros. La Mesa Directiva del CRP (MD/CRP)...