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Twelfth conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean

26 June 2007|Event

In Brasilia, Brazil two Intergovernmental Forums of the ILPES were realized, the CONFERENCE OF THE SECRETARIES AND CHIEFS OF PLANNING OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN who was established by the Governments Members for the exchange of experiences and of investigations on planning and management of the public policies and who carries out every four years and the REGIONAL ADVICE OF PLANNING that is the intergovernmental forum of orientation of the activities of the Institute. His ordinary meetings are every four years and Members are integrated by the Secretaries or Chiefs of Planning of 40 Governments. His resolutions are ratified in the periods of CEPAL's meetings.

For the Conference of The Secretaries, the ILPES prepared the substantive document Economy and territory in Latin America and the Carib: desigualdades and policies like central topic of work.

Theme of the Conference: ECONOMY AND TERRITORY


08:30 hrs. Transfer from Naoum Plaza Hotel to Itamaraty Palace (Bus)

09:00 hrs. Registration of participants

09:30 hrs. Meeting of Heads of Delegation Election of authorities of the XII Conf erence and approval of the Agenda

• ECLAC Executive Secretary, Mr. José Luis Machinea
• CRP President, Mr. Javier Paulinich, Representative of the Government of Peru
• Minister of Planning, Budget and Management of Brazil, Mr. Paulo Bernardo Silva

11:00 hrs. Coffee Break

11:30 hrs. Session I Economy and Territory; inequalities and policies Document prepared by ILPES Comments by experts:
• Mauro B. Lemos, Director CEDEPLAR, Brazil
• Sergio Boisier, International Consultant
Comments by government delegates
The concern for public policies on Territorial Economic Development is carried out in different ways, and there is a set of territorial policies. The document of ILPES shows this situation and highlights the great interest of countries for these themes, their concrete and new experiences, as well as the possible gaps, problems and challenges. In this conference, ILPES seeks an exchange of knowledge and practical experiences, as well as a debate about this set of public policies and their political and institutional future and objectives.

13:00 hrs. Lunch offered by the Ministerio do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, Clube das Nações. Transportation included.

15:00 hrs. Session II
National experiences on territorial competitiveness

Presentation of member governments
• Colombia, Spain Comments by government delegates The national policies on productivity, competitiveness, technological development and innovation are carried out in different ways to the conventional sectorial framework and thus are coordinated in several ways among the different levels of the government in each country. It is important to know how each country assumes this challenge, especially through concrete experiences of interest for the whole Region. From these experiences it is important to know and discuss those that already have taken openly and explicitly the articulation challenge among the different territorial levels of government in the design and implementation of these policies of promotion of competitiveness.

16:30 hrs. Coffee Break

17:00 hrs. Session III
National experiences on land planning and regional development

Presentation of member governments
• Mexico
Comments by government delegates
The growing political and social importance given to environment and to sustainable development has been concreted institutionally through land planning. The policies of land planning are defined differently in each country, but now have included matters that were previously of concern only to regional policies: for example, the adequate use of resources and the territorial economic balance. Additionally, the way of articulating economic development and land planning has been very different, as well as the diverse roles of each territorial level of government in each country. It is important to know concrete experiences that have sought to resolve this difficult relationship among economy, environment and the different territorial levels of government in its management.

18:30 hrs. Break (Bus from Itamaraty Palace to Naoum Plaza Hotel)

20:00 hrs. Cocktail offered by ILPES, “Pérgula da Cascata”, Naoum Plaza Hotel 



08:30 hrs. Transfer from Naoum Plaza Hotel to Itamaraty Palace(Bus)

09:00 hrs. Session IV
National experiences on political and institutional planning for territorial development

Presentation, member governments
• Chile, Cuba, Guatemala
Comments by government delegates
There is a growing national interest for serious challenges of inter-institutional coordination and among the different levels of government that face territorial development. These difficulties are not limited to land planning and competitiveness, there are other transversal areas such as social policies and those of decentralization/federalism. It is important to know the experiences that have sought to give a solution to the challenges of inter-institutional coordination among sectors and levels of government.

10:30 hrs. Coffee Break

11:00 hrs. Sesión V
The Brazilian experience on territorial development

Presentation of the Government of Brazil
• Ministerio de Planejamento
• Ministero de Integração Nacional
Questions from, and comments by government delegates

• ILPES Director
• Representative of the Government of Brazil

13:00 hrs. Lunch offered by the Ministerio do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, Clube das Nações. Transportation included.

The Opening Session of the XII Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning, will start at 15:00 hrs., Itamaraty Palace


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