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Showing 1 to 20 of 648 results in 33 pages.
24 September 2024 | Other events
Be part of this event that brings together high authorities of the region to consolidate and mobilize a common position to ensure the enabling conditions and financing strategies that will allow for a sustainable transformation of public education, the achievement of the educational goals of the...
21 September 2024 | Other events
The side event entitled «  Towards a society for all ages: building solidarity and equity across generations » is being organized by the Regional Commissions and the Permanent Mission of Chile during the Summit of the Future Action Days. The event will be held in-person on Saturday, 21 September...
13 September 2024 | Other events
This seminar aims to discuss and reflect on the lessons learned and challenges faced in advancing towards universal health in Chile. It will focus on the centrality of the PHC strategy, and the challenges associated with financing the necessary reforms to the current health system.
14 August 2024 | Other events
El objetivo de este evento en línea fue presentar los principales resultados de la encuesta de juventudes CEPAL-AECID y generar un espacio de intercambio y discusión entre los participantes.
25 July 2024 | Other events
This July 25, join this event jointly organized by UNICEF, ECLAC, World Bank, IEFG, UNESCO and USAID.
16 July 2024 | Other events
Con la presencia y activa participación del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL Sr. José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, quien relevó la importancia sustantiva que han tenido los Diálogos Regionales del Agua para América Latina y el Caribe, instancia clave para el mejoramiento de la cooperación regional,...
16 July 2024 | Other events
El taller se enmarcó en las actividades que forman parte del Convenio Marco de Colaboración entre la Secretaría Ejecutiva del COSEFIN y la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL), Concebido para que los representantes del Grupo de Trabajo de Política Fiscal (GTPF) del COSEFIN adquieran una...
27 June 2024 | Other events
The central focus of the Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development "Social Protection and Inequality: Latin America and the Caribbean towards the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025" is inequality. In this context, the objective of this parallel event is to open the discussion on...
26 June 2024 | Other events
The event will bring together policymakers, experts, civil society representatives and international organizations to discuss the findings of the report “Confronting Inequality in Early Childhood - The footprints of the COVID-19 pandemic on new generations of children in Latin America and the...
26 June 2024 | Other events
En el marco del Proyecto de la Cuenta de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas “Sistemas de salud resilientes con cobertura universal en América Latina y el Caribe”, se llevó a cabo el panel de discusión “Desigualdad en salud en América Latina y el Caribe: la persistencia de brechas e injusticias que...
25 June 2024 | Other events
Attend the launch of ECLAC's new publication on non-contributory pension systems in the region.
25 June 2024 | Other events
The objective of this seminar, organized by the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is to promote reflection and dialogue to advance in the recognition, analysis of the characteristics and dimensioning of social inequality in the region. Therefore, it seeks to strengthen...
19 June 2024 | Other events
El taller sobre análisis del riesgo proveniente del cambio climático y la pérdida de naturaleza abordó temas cruciales para la comprensión y gestión de los riesgos climáticos en la región centroamericana.
10 June 2024 | Other events
The Ministry of Finance of Brazil, The World Bank, the Coalition for Capacity on Climate Action (C3A) and CEPAL with the support of the Euroclima program, as part of the regional hub on capacity building in Latin America and the Caribbean, are partnering to organize a high-level conference aimed at...
