Latin America's Prospects for Upgrading in Global Value Chains


Event information

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Event type

Meetings and technical symposiums

Day 1: Wednesday, 14 March

09:15   Opening remarks

09:45   Keynote: Gary Gereffi (Duke University) / Chair: Hugo Beteta (ECLAC)

11:00   Sessión 1: Global Value Chains: A Global Perspective

Organizer: OECD  /  Chair: Dirk Pilat (OECD)  /  Discussant : William Powers (US Trade Commission)

15:00   Session 2: Domestic Factor Markets in light of Global Value Chains

Organizer: World Bank / Chair: Daniel Lederman (World Bank) / Discussant: Gerardo Esquivel (Colegio de Mexico)

17:30 Policy Panel

Chair: Rene Hernández (ECLAC)


Day 2: Thursday, 15 March

09:30   Session 3: Challenges, Policies and Programs for Global Value Chains in Latin America.

Organizer: IADB  /  Chair: Mercedes Araoz F (IADB)  / Discussant: Carlos Montalvo (TNO)

12:00   Session 4: Global Value Chains in Latin America: Promoting Trade with Inclusion or Exclusion?

Organizers: ECLAC and GIZ  /  Chair: Juan Carlos Moreno Brid (ECLAC)  / Discussant: Maria de los Angeles Pozas (Colegio de Mexico)

14:00   Closing Remarks

15:30   Introduction: The objetives

Anabel Gonzalez (Minister of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica)

15:50   1. The basic needs

Chair: Nanno Mulder (ECLAC)

16:40   2. What is available in the region?

18:00   3. The way forward

Chair: Hubert Escaith (WTO)

19:00   Concluding remarks

Organizing institution

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

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