Fifth meeting of the Statistical Coordination Group for the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean



The objective of this fifth meeting was to reflect among the countries, the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations in the region and the technical secretariat of the Group on strategic issues in statistical monitoring of the SDGs in the region.

Event information




Event type:

Meetings and technical symposiums


By invitation

The Fifth meeting of the Statistical Coordination Group for the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean was held virtually on 11 August 2022, as a space for countries, the agencies, funds, and programmes of the United Nations in the region and the technical secretariat of the Group to reflect on strategic issues in statistical monitoring of the SDGs in the region. Representatives from 10 countries and three United Nations agencies in the region participated.

The two subjects discussed were:

  1. The features and functioning of the new online information system for surveying national capacities for the production of SDG indicators.
  2. Characteristics of the new collaborative platform as a mechanism for sharing knowledge and engaging countries of the region in strategic issues discussed at meetings of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators and the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Group adopted the initiatives presented and gave its approval to move forward with implementation of the pilot stage of the information system on national capacities for the production of SDG indicators and the incorporation and management of content for the collaborative platform on statistical aspects of the 2030 Agenda in the region within the framework of the actions that the Knowledge Transfer Network is carrying out with respect to these virtual spaces for exchange and dissemination.

Programme of work:

August 11, 2022

Opening session

07:00 - 07:15

◈ Welcome remarks and meeting introduction
Daniel Taccari, ECLAC
◈ Agenda review
◈ Progress made in the Information System on capacity-building activities of the UNS for the monitoring and reporting of the SDGs within the Regional knowledge management platform of the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

August 11, 2022

Session 1: Launch of the online information system on national statistical capacities to produce the SDG indicators

07:15 - 09:00


Pauline Stockins, CEPAL / ECLAC

◈ Presentación del sistema de información en línea: antecedentes, lecciones aprendidas, utilidad nacional y gobernanza / Presentation of the online information system: contents, functionalities, and governance


◈ Demostración de la gestión del sistema de información en línea e ingreso de información / Demonstration of the management of the online information system and the entry of information

- Preguntas y respuestas / Questions and answers

Ejercicio práctico en el uso del sistema de información en línea por parte de los países / Practical exercise on the use of the online information system by the countries

Retroalimentación respecto al uso del sistema considerando las especificidades nacionales / Feedback by the countries on the online information system considering countries’ particularities

August 11, 2022

Session 2: Collaborative Platform to improve communication among countries representing the region in the global groups and the rest of the countries of the region within the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)

11:00 - 12:30


Olga Barquero, INE, Chile

◈ Comunidad de la Red de Transmisión de Conocimiento (RTC) de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas / Presentation of the Community of the KTN of the Statistical Conference of the Americas

Denise Kronemberger, IBGE,Brasil & Paola Tovar, DANE, Colombia

◈ Sitio colaborativo del Grupo de Coordinación Estadística para la Agenda 2030 en ALC: objetivos y requerimientos / Collaborative Platform of the Statistical Coordination Group for the 2030 Agenda in LAC: objectives and requirements


◈ Navegación del sitio colaborativo del GCE-ODS de la Comunidad de la RTC / Navigation of the Collaborative Platform of the SCG-SDG within the Community of the KTN

- Preguntas y respuestas / Questions and answers


Ejercicio práctico del uso de la plataforma colaborativa comunidad RTC / Practical exercise on the use of the Collaborative Platform for the SCG within the Community of the KTN


Acuerdos y cierre de la reunión / Agreements and closing of the meeting


Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC (SCA-ECLAC)

  • (56 2) 2210 2634

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