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ECLAC VI International Seminar on Carbon Footprint: "Environmental footprint pilot programs in exports"

11 June 2014|Event

This international seminar was carried out at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, on 11 and 12 June 2014 and has the support  of the Regional Delegation for Cooperation in the Southern Cone and Brazil, Embassy of France. Current standards of environmental sustainability in industrialized countries and some examples of public-private partnerships from agricultural sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean will be reviewed. These experiences provide tools seek to implement strategies to climate change, and calculate and mitigate the environmental footprint of food.


Wednesday, 11 June

09:00 Opening of the Seminar

  • Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary, ECLAC

09:15 Welcoming Remarks

  • Osvaldo Rosales, Director Division of ECLAC International Trade and Integration
  • Joseluis Samaniego, Director Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements ECLAC
  • Pascal Delisle, Head of the Regional Delegation for Cooperation Southern Cone and Brazil, Embassy of France

First block: Pilot Programs environmental footprint

10:00 Introductory presentation

  • Ximena Olmos, Division of International Trade and Integration, ECLAC

10:20 Driver environmental footprint of the European Union

  • Imola Bedo, DG Environment, European Commission

11:00 Results of case studies of the ECLAC

  • Rubén Gallozzi y Asier Sopelana, consultants SNV / Factor CO2

Second block: Case studies measuring carbon footprint in Latin America. Public and private participation in the pilot program of ECLAC

14:00 Roundtable

Calculating the carbon footprint in Latin American food exports. Representatives of trade promotion organizations and entrepreneurs present and dialogue on the implications of their participation in the pilot measuring carbon footprint (Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic) project

Thursday, 12 June

Third block: Environmental standards and carbon strategies

9:00 European companies against environmental labeling

  • Olivier Jan, Director, Bio-Deloitte France

9:30 Carbon footprint and water footprint: Experience the coffee of Colombia

  • Juan Mauricio Rojas, CENICAFE Investigator, National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia

10:00 Agribalyse Program data lifecycle foods

  • Vincent Colomb, Engineer of the French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME), France

11:00 Projects Consortium for Sustainability

  • Cristián Emhart, Director of Sustainability in the Value Chain, Fundación Chile

11:30 Sustainability Index, Walmart

  • Marina Hermosilla, Walmart Sustainability Manager-Chile

12:00 Consumption and energy efficiency in ports. The challenges for the sustainability of supply chains

  • Ann-Kathrin Zotz, Division of Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division

12:30 Round of questions

12:50 Closing Seminar