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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
febrero 2024 |
  • Jones, Francis

This study reports on progress made in the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean subregion...

Publication cover
marzo 2023 |
  • Cruz Castanheira, Helena
  • Monteiro da Silva, José H. C.

La presente nota técnica tiene como objetivo presentar los métodos de distribución de defunciones (DDM, por su sigla en inglés) para la estimación...

Publication cover
noviembre 2021 |
  • Duda-Nyczak, Marta

In the context of the rapidly advancing population ageing, the region of Latin America and the Caribbean is currently facing an unprecedented...

Publication cover
noviembre 2017 |

Este documento presenta las recomendaciones de los países sobre la potencialidad de los censos de la ronda 2020 para medir los indicadores de las...

Publication cover
Enero 2018 |
  • Nam, Valerie E.
  • Jones, Francis

As population age structures change over the coming decades, the cost of providing public education, pensions and health care will change...

Publication cover
Enero 2018 |
  • Gény, Lydia Rosa

This report summarises the progress and challenges faced by the English French and Dutch-speaking Member and Associate Member Countries of the...

Publication cover
Enero 2016 |
  • Jones, Francis

This study addresses the ageing of the Caribbean population and the situation with respect to the human rights of older persons. It considers the...

Publication cover
noviembre 2010 |
  • Oviedo, Enrique
  • Fernández, Andrés
Comisión Europea

This document starts by identifying and describing the several benefits expected as a result of incorporating ICTs in health and goes on to...

Publication cover
junio 2006 |

This paper presents three demographic models useful for projections of social sector demand. The first model is a probabilistic...

Publication cover
abril 2004 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos

This report focuses on urban poverty and habitat precariousness in the Caribbean countries with an emphasis on current and former British...

Publication cover
abril 2002 |

Abstract This study identifies and discusses sociodemographic structures, processes and trends that entail risks for individuals, households and...

Publication cover
marzo 2002 |

El presente documento se ha elaborado con el propósito de servir de marco para el diseño y la implementación de un sistema de indicadores...

Publication cover
octubre 1999 |
NU. CEPAL. Unidad de Financiamiento

Abstract After the 1981 Chilean pension system reform, which shifted from a government run pay-as-you-go system to a private, fully funded one,...